Mongodb Tutorial

Tags: MongoDB

Become a better developer with this complete intro to MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL Database around

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Use MongoDB comfortably
- Install and run the MongoDB server and client
- Use the Mongo console

What you'll learn

Use MongoDB comfortably
Install and run the MongoDB server and client
Use the Mongo console
Perform CRUD operations
Construct complex queries
Rapidly prototype using MongoDB
Design Scalable Databases

* Requirements

* Ability to program in any language (we’ll use some basic Javascript)
* Familiarity with the command line would be useful but not strictly necessary
* A desire to learn!


Do you want to quickly build web applications without the hassles of SQL?

Are you tired of unscalable back ends and messing about with fixed schemas?

Building web applications quickly has never been easier, thanks to MongoDB. Its flexible schema and document-oriented nature make MongoDB the most developer-friendly database in existence, allowing you to quickly prototype an application and scale to huge numbers of users.

That's why MongoDB is the most popular NoSQL database in existence, used by the likes of Craigslist, eBay, Foursquare, and The New York Times.

In this course you'll get a practical intro to MongoDB. We'll use a fun learning approach with great examples. By following along you will quickly and effortlessly be up to speed with MongoDB and you'll become a more complete developer.

Who this course is for:

  • Web Developers looking to broaden their skill set
  • Programmers wanting to learn something new
  • Junior Developers wanting to learn about data storage
  • Engineering students
  • Software Entrepreneurs

Course content

4 sections • 17 lectures

Introduction Preview 02:10

Essential Terms Preview 03:03

Data Types & BSON Preview 02:30

The MongoDB Console Preview 05:40

Console Help & Quick Demo Preview 06:21

Update and using $set Preview 03:56

$inc and upsert Preview 02:37

$push & $pull arrays Preview 02:02

$pop arrays & $unset Preview 01:04

Query & Read Sample Data Preview 00:13

Querying & Reading Preview 02:36

findOne() Preview 01:11

projections - including & excluding results Preview 02:57

query conditionals - $lt, $gt Preview 02:30

query conditionals - $in, $nin, $or Preview 02:02