Linux Professional Institute Lpic 1

430+ questions about Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.9

- LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam Practice TEST

What you'll learn

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You will have access to LPIC-1 tests with 430+ questions related to the LPIC-1 exam.

It's a mixture of difficult and easy questions, so it covers both basic and advanced level.

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Example questions and answers are below.

Which of the following is the environment variable that stores the path of the current directory?







The answer is PWD from the following information. The following are typical environment variables prepared in advance.

HISTFILE - Command history save file path

HISTSIZE - Number of command history saved in the current shell

HISTFILESIZE - Number of history saved in command history saved file

HOSTNAME - Hostname

HOME - The home directory of the logged-in user

LANG - Locale (language setting)

PATH - List of directories to search for commands and programs

PWD - Current directory path, USER - Logged in user

Which of the following files contains I / O port address information?







Information of the I / O port address can be found in the "/proc/ioports" file.

The I / O port address is a 16-bit address used by the CPU to exchange data with peripheral devices.

In the "/proc/ioports" file, you can see which I / O port address is assigned to which device.

If the I / O port address is duplicated, the hardware may not operate normally.

Which command should be executed to get a list of units that systemd can use.

systemctl installed

systemctl units

systemctl available-units

systemctl list-unit-files

systemctl unitlist

systemctl installed units

Use the systemctl command to manage the operating status and startup settings of each service.

The format of the systemctl command is as follows.

systemctl subcommand [Unit name]

Use the list-unit-files subcommand to display a list of available units.

Who this course is for:

  • This LPIC-1 practice tests bundle is for anyone who is genuinely preparing for the LPIC-1 exam.

Course content

1 sections • 6 lectures

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No1

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No1

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No2

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No2

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No3

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No3

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No4

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No4

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No5

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No5

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No6

Practice Tests For LPIC-1 Linux Administrator Exam No6