C Programming For Beginner

Go from zero to hero in programming with C Language and start your Journey as a highly paid C Developer/Programmer

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 0

- Learn C Programming in one quick
- easy lesson!
- Make a user friendly program
- Learn the basics of coding in C

What you'll learn

Learn C Programming in one quick
easy lesson!
Make a user friendly program
Learn the basics of coding in C
Keep your programming skills sharp by learning this language
Trace errors in your Code easily and effectively
Learn how to work with variables
and if statements
You can work on your own projects or use the project files included in the course to learn more about coding
Start building programs and understanding the principles of good programming
Program microcontrollers with C programming language
Learn the basics of computer programming and how to use C
Mastering the fundamentals of program design and implementation
Understand the basics of algorithm analysis
data structures
and how to analyze performance issues
Build your own executable programs
You will be able to create your own C programs with the help of examples on how to do so
Widely used in programs like Windows
Google Chrome
and more

* Requirements

* A Computer
* Download the provided software which is free and included


  • Learn C Programming in one quick, easy lesson!
  • Make a user friendly program
  • Learn the basics of coding in C
  • Keep your programming skills sharp by learning this language
  • Trace errors in your Code easily and effectively
  • Learn how to work with variables, functions, loops, and if statements
  • You can work on your own projects or use the project files included in the course to learn more about coding
  • Start building programs and understanding the principles of good programming
  • Program microcontrollers with C programming language
  • Learn the basics of computer programming and how to use C
  • Mastering the fundamentals of program design and implementation
  • Understand the basics of algorithm analysis, data structures, and how to analyze performance issues
  • Build your own executable programs
  • You will be able to create your own C programs with the help of examples on how to do so
  • Widely used in programs like Windows, Android, Facebook, Google Chrome, and more

Course content

22 sections • 140 lectures

Download and Install C Editor and Compiler Preview 09:05

Write and Compile C Codes in your browser Preview 03:54

Download and Install Visual Studio Code To run C programs Preview 15:27

Write Your First C Code and Compile it Preview 11:32

First Code in C Preview 00:06

First C Code

First Code in C

Happy Holidays

Here we will write two C programs to display "Happy Holidays" on the screen. In the first program, we are displaying the message using printf function and in the second program we are calling a user-defined function and that function displays the Happy Holidays message on the screen.

Exercise with Codes

Input codes and Show the Output

Block of F

Practice Codes using Hashtag by forming a letter

Your Basic Information

Input your Name ,DOB(Date of Birth) , and address

Personalize Greeting

Practice C programming activities more.

Comments in C Preview 04:25

Comment in C

Comments in C Quiz

Comment in C special Character

Fill the missing part

Input Comments in C

Show the Output of the given program.

Strings and Escape characters in C Preview 08:02

Strings and Escape characters in C

Strings Output

Extract the compile word to codes

Strings Character in C

Strings are defined as an array of characters. The difference between a character array and a string is the string is terminated with a special character '\0'. Declaration of strings: Declaring a string is as simple as declaring a one-dimensional array.

Length of string in C

Strings in Length exercises to

String to an unsigned Long term Integer

In this Assignment let's practice String in C to an unsigned Long term Integers

Escape Sequence

In this Assignment, we will use Escape in sequence in C follow the following instruction and write your correct program code.

Escape Sequence in C

write a C program that shows Output Sample Below.

Variables in C Preview 09:49

Variables Code Preview 00:07

Rules in naming variable in C Preview 06:24

Variables in C

Variable Output

what is the output of the code compiled

Variables in C declaration and Expression

Display multiple Variables

Variables in C Absolute Value of Integers

Return the absolute value of an integer

Variables int Total

We will create three integer variables a, b and sum. We use variables to store value in C. And since the variables will store integer value so, we will set the date type as int. Data type of a variable tells us about the type of value stored in the variable.

Printing Variables with Printf in C Preview 09:53

Print Variable Code Preview 00:06

Print Your Information

Write a C program to print your name, date of birth. and mobile number. Expected Output: Name : Ashraf DOB : July 14, 1989 Mobile : 99-0000000

Printing In C Your Name

input a simple program that contains of 'Enter the name" and " My name is" using print Sample Output:- Enter the name: Sahara O. Asaula My name is Sahara O. Asaula

Printing Variables Address

Print your Address as for relying on the given input codes

Printing Variables In C Good Day Everyone

In the following example, we will print "Good Day Everyone" string using the printf function.

Reading Input from User in C Preview 06:57

Read Input Code Preview 00:04

Input statement

Write a program that converts Centigrade to Fahrenheit. Expected Output : Input a temperature (in Centigrade): 90 158.000000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Input Statement: Hours and Minutes Exercise

Write a C program that takes hours and minutes as input, and calculates the total number of minutes. Expected Output : Input hours: 10 Input minutes: 40 Total: 640 minutes.

Sum product and Sum Squares

Write a c program to take input of two numbers, find their sum, product and sum of the squares.

Reading input

Read Input Code

Arithmetic Operators in C Preview 16:39

Arithmetic Operators Code Preview 00:13

Arithmetic Operators Code

Arithmetic C operator

Find the output of the given C program. #include int main() { int a = 2; a += a += a += 3; printf("%d",a); return 0;

Arithmetic Additional

In the following example, we will add two numbers using the addition operator.

Operators in C

Uni Arithmetic Operators in C Preview 14:44

Unit Arithmetic Operators Code Preview 00:28

Uni operator C

Uni Arithmetic Operator code

Bitwise Operators in C Preview 13:05

Bitwise Operators Code Preview 00:10

Bitwise Shift Operators in C Preview 13:22

Bitwise Operators Shift Code Preview 00:08

Bitwise Operator C

Bitwise Quiz

Assignment Operators Preview 14:34

Assignment Operators Code Preview 00:16

Assignment Operators

Assignment Operators

Write the concluded codes for the given resullt.

Logical and Relational Operators Preview 12:09

Logical and Relational Operators Code Preview 00:11

Logical and Relational Operators

Logical and Relational Operators

practice coding and answer the right output

Conditional Statement if in C Preview 04:32

Conditional If statement Code Preview 00:04

Conditional Statement else if and else in C Preview 08:44

Conditional If else if and else statement Code Preview 00:07

General Rules Regarding if statement Preview 12:56

If Rules Code Preview 00:08

Conditional if Statement

Write a C program to accept two integers and check whether they are equal or not. Test Data : 30 30 Expected Output : Number1 and Number2 are equal

Conditional If statement and else-if

Conditional Else if Assignment

C Program to check given number is zero or not

find maximum between three numbers using else if

When we need to enter the block only when given condition is true then we use if-statement. means we enter the if block only if a given condition is true.

Conditional Statement Equal or Not

Check whether two integers are equal or not

Conditional Statement Casting a Vote

Detrermine a specific age is eligible for casting the vote

Conditional Statement Largest of three numbers

use C program to find the largest of three numbers. Go to the editor.

Switch Statement in C Preview 09:33

Switch Statement Code Preview 00:11

Switch Statement General Rules in C Preview 04:33

Switch Statement Quiz

Switch Assignment

Write a C program to input week number(1-7) and print day of week name using switch case. C program to find week day name using switch case. How to find day name of week using switch case in C programming. Example Input Input week number(1-7): 2 Output Tuesday

Switch Assignment:

Animal Type

For Loop in C Preview 10:40

For Loop Code Preview 00:05

For Loop Quiz

For Loop Quiz

For Loop Assignment

display the first 10 natural numbers.

Loops - While Preview 08:15

Loops - While Code Preview 00:06

While Loop Quiz

While Loop Quiz

While Loop Assingmment

Use while loop input 1 to 5 times C while Loops

Do while loop in C Preview 08:48

Do while loop Code Preview 00:08

Do While Loop Quiz

Break and Continue in C Preview 09:19

Break and Continue Code Preview 00:04

Break and Continue Quiz

Functions in C Preview 19:53

Functions Code Preview 00:14

Functions Quiz

Function Quiz

What will be the output of the following C code? #include int main() { void foo(); printf("1 "); foo(); } void foo() { printf("2 "); }

Void Keyword in C Preview 05:32

Void Keyword Code Preview 00:04

Void Quiz

Local Variables and Global Variables in C Preview 06:49

Local Variables and Global Variables CODE Preview 00:07

Divide C project into multiple files in C Preview 08:46

Divide C project into multiple files Code Preview 00:08

Divide C project into multiple files Code

How to Create a Library in C Preview 14:52

How to Create a Library Code Preview 00:23

Libraries Quiz

Arrays in C Preview 21:44

Arrays Code Preview 00:14

Arrays Example in C Preview 07:04

Arrays Example Code Preview 00:09

Arrays in C

Array in C Assignments

practice Array in C

Introduction Preview 02:05

Who We Are? Preview 05:18

Overivew and The software to be used. Preview 05:55

Compilation Process and Your First C Project Preview 03:29

How to increase the font size in the Programming enviroment Preview 01:19

Why C and Basic Program Structure Preview 02:43

Variables Preview 03:12

Statements and Operators Preview 04:39

LOOP Statements Preview 03:32

Conditions if and switch Preview 05:15

Numbering System Preview 05:15

Using Operators Preview 04:25

Using Functions Preview 05:05