Outstanding Coaching In Schools

Tags: Coaching

Creating a great culture of support and learning for everyone in the school

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- How to use coaching to become an outstanding teacher.
- How to build even better relationships with staff and students in your school.
- Key ways of supporting the learning of students.

What you'll learn

How to use coaching to become an outstanding teacher.
How to build even better relationships with staff and students in your school.
Key ways of supporting the learning of students.
How to create a great school culture.

* Requirements

* No


Developing effective coaching in classrooms and in a whole school is one of the most important ways that we can of provide support for all members of the school community. This includes of course the learning and emotional support of pupils or students. But coaching is also of fundamental importance in terms of enabling all adults in the school to constantly enhance their skills and professionalism, whilst also providing them with the kind of support that develops a healthy working environment for everyone.

This course will provide you with a clear understanding of why coaching is important in schools, what coaching is, how you can develop your own skills as a coach, and the knowledge and skills that will enable you to move from being a highly successful coach to being an outstanding coach.

Coaching is for everyone in the school. So whether you are a headteacher, principal, classroom teacher, or member of the support staff, you will find that this course will provide you with a rich treasure of tools and ideas that will bring you ever more success and satisfaction in your work as well as your private life.

The course can be used for your own personal development and is split up into eight bite-size sections. This is designed to enable you to study each section individually and incorporate the ideas into your daily practice in your school.

In addition, the course can be used as a school INSET resource, where the sections can be used to provide the basis for individual training sessions over an extended period of time. The 25 downloadable worksheets provided with this course can also be used as resources for these training sessions.

If you are headteacher or principal, then you can also use this course to develop a coaching culture in your school that will bring about positive change and long-term success.

The course can also be used in initial teacher training (ITT) in order to provide teachers with coaching tools that will support them throughout their careers.

Who this course is for:

  • Teachers.
  • Headteachers.
  • Principals.
  • Support staff.

Course content

8 sections • 14 lectures

The benefits to both students and adults from being coached in a school Preview 29:24

This video covers:

a. Benefits to students from being coached

b. Benefits to adults from being coached

c. Benefits to adults from being coaches

d. How the primary focus of coaching is key

There are three activities that accompany this section. You can download these and either try them out by yourself or with colleagues in a coaching training session that you might lead in your school.

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements.

Understanding exactly what coaching is and is not. Preview 25:14

This video looks at the following ways that will enable you to understand exactly what coaching is:

a. Defining coaching - coaching versus mentoring (the difference)

b. The spectrum of skills

c. Barriers to coaching in schools

d. The mindset of a coach

There is one activity that accompany this section and this is intended to provide reflection about what is involved in both coaching and mentoring and what makes them different support activities. You can download this and either try it out by yourself or with colleagues in a coaching training session that you might lead in your school.

You have been provided with another download that provides you with the ideal 'correct' responses to this activity. Clearly, don't look at this sheet, or allow any of your colleagues to see it, until you and they have completed the exercise.

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements.

Four essentials of being a successful coach Preview 19:23

This video looks at the following four things to consider and practice as you develop into being a successful coach:

a. A full glass and a fascinating stranger

b. Avoiding negative assumptions

c. The skills of a successful coach

d. Five famous question words

Five more elements of a successful coach Preview 25:22

This video looks at the following further five things to consider and practice as you develop into being a successful coach:

a. Using great listening the Chinese way

b. Levels of listening

c. Giving feedback without advice or opinion

d. Building rapport

e. Using our intuition

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements.

Four ways that you can become a great coach Preview 32:00

This video looks at the following four ways that you can develop as a great coach:

a. A triad group

b. Operating your thin slice detection system

c. The Mehrabian factor

d. The Pygmalion effect

Five more ways in which you can develop into being a great coach Preview 28:00

This video looks at the following further five ways that you can develop as a great coach:

a. Mirror neurons

b. How do you view yourself and others?

c. Positive affirmations

d. Look out for mental scotomas

e. Your responsibilities as a coach

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements. 

Key features of coaching that make it so powerful in terms of supporting people Preview 28:29

This video explores aspects of coaching that make it such a powerful and positive intervention in schools:

a. The motivational quadrants

b. Hard skills versus soft skills and when to coach

c. Developing emotional intelligence

d. Operating your RAS

Four powerful tools of coaching Preview 29:30

Using the following four tools that you will discover in this video will significantly enhance the coaching support you can offer to students/pupils and colleagues in your school.:

a. The TGROW model

b. The balance wheel

c. Personal perspectives (viewpoints)

d. The value of values

Powerful models that you can use in coaching Preview 31:00

This video will help you to understanding how the following will bring even more power into your coaching practice in your school:

a. Process, performance and outcome goals

b. Shifting beliefs

c. Be careful as you climb that ladder!

d. The zone where coaching takes place

There are two activities that accompany this section. The first is 'EI (Emotional Intelligence) - the 12 competencies with descriptors'. This will help you to reflect on the importance of EI as a coach, and what your present EI strengths and areas to improve might be.

The activity called 'Your personal core values' will enable you to explore the fundamental importance of values within coaching. 

You can download these activities and either try them out yourself or with colleagues in a coaching training session that you might lead in your school.

You have also been provided with a 'Question bank' of excellent questions to support you in your coaching, and that relate to the TGROW model.

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements.

Un'LOC' four ways of supporting your colleagues and students/pupils Preview 23:09

Understanding and using the four ideas in this video will help you to truly support your colleagues and students/pupils in a highly professional and life-changing way:

a. Working on the LOC

b. Developing a positive self-fulfilling prophecy

c. Moving through the levels of competence

d. The iceberg of individual success

Four more dimensions of bringing success into your coaching Preview 22:03

These four ideas will bring further dimensions into your repertoire of skills as a successful coach:

a. Discovering their map of the universe

b. Self-regulation, metacognition and motivation

c. Supporting self-determination

d. “I can do it!”

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements. 

Four aspects of encouraging creativity through coaching Preview 34:36

This video looks at four ways in which coaching can support the development of a creative approach to challenges in schools:

a. Creativity is what all schools need

b. A coaching tool to let creativity loose

c. Encouraging failure - to get better

d. We are teleological

Encouraging people to appreciate the strengths they have within them Preview 23:45

This video looks at how coaching can support people to find solutions:

a. Coaching and resilience, grit, and perseverance

b. Releasing people from thinking traps

c. The ABCDE model

d. Building a constructive culture

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements.

How a leader can thoroughly embed coaching in a school Preview 28:08

This video explores why coaching is important from the perspective of a leader of a school and the steps that are needed in order to develop a coaching culture in the school:

a. The benefits of coaching in your school

b. Coaching brings in more KASH

c. The styles of leadership and commitments that breed a coaching culture

d. Involving everyone

e. Integrating coaching

There is one activity that you can download for this section which explores, from a broad leadership perspective, the benefits of developing a coaching culture in a school.

As with each of the eight sections there is a set of questions and suggested answers for this section that you can download. These will help to focus your learning on key elements.