Life Coaching Business Masterclass 5 S In 1

Tags: Coaching

Complete Guide: Build a Life Coach Business & Get Life Coaching Clients Consistently with a Package that Sells Itself

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.7

- How to stop getting stuck on the hamster wheel that most life coaches get stuck in
- client chasing
- How to stop wasting time and money on life coaching marketing strategies that don't work
- How to stop being the best kept secret and finally make the difference you are meant to make as a life coach

What you'll learn

How to stop getting stuck on the hamster wheel that most life coaches get stuck in
client chasing
How to stop wasting time and money on life coaching marketing strategies that don't work
How to stop being the best kept secret and finally make the difference you are meant to make as a life coach
Know exactly how to structure your coaching in a way that get clients and gets them results
Finally identify your ideal coaching niche that shares your gift with clients you love
Highly target your tribe of ideal clients so you can find them easily and they feel drawn to you right away
Create life coaching packages that offer the specific results your clients ALREADY want
making it an easy sale
Use free introductory sessions in the RIGHT way so you provide massive value and your client WANTS to enroll with you at the end
without feeling salesy
Learn the 3 marketing strategies that ACTUALLY WORK for life coaches (hint: they're not Facebook
or Websites)
Learn how to leverage other people's clients/audiences through joint venture partnerships
Learn how to speak in front of an audience of your ideal clients and have them dying to enroll in your program (using soft-selling techinques)
Write marketing copy for your elevator pitch
and website that speaks your clients' language and converts to sales
Learn how to run simple
profitable digital marketing campaigns using landing pages
and email automation

* Requirements

* Ability to print worksheets


  • How to stop getting stuck on the hamster wheel that most life coaches get stuck in, client chasing
  • How to stop wasting time and money on life coaching marketing strategies that don't work
  • How to stop being the best kept secret and finally make the difference you are meant to make as a life coach
  • Know exactly how to structure your coaching in a way that get clients and gets them results
  • Finally identify your ideal coaching niche that shares your gift with clients you love
  • Highly target your tribe of ideal clients so you can find them easily and they feel drawn to you right away
  • Create life coaching packages that offer the specific results your clients ALREADY want, making it an easy sale
  • Use free introductory sessions in the RIGHT way so you provide massive value and your client WANTS to enroll with you at the end, without feeling salesy
  • Learn the 3 marketing strategies that ACTUALLY WORK for life coaches (hint: they're not Facebook, Email, or Websites)
  • Learn how to leverage other people's clients/audiences through joint venture partnerships
  • Learn how to speak in front of an audience of your ideal clients and have them dying to enroll in your program (using soft-selling techinques)
  • Write marketing copy for your elevator pitch, packages, and website that speaks your clients' language and converts to sales
  • Learn how to run simple, profitable digital marketing campaigns using landing pages, webinars, and email automation

Course content

36 sections • 153 lectures

Welcome to the Life Coaching Business Masterclass Preview 05:19

Learn what this course is about and meet the instructors.

How to Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes Most Life Coaches Make Preview 10:22

Learn the 3 biggest mistakes most life coaches make, how we learned these lessons the hard way, and how this course will help you avoid them.

Life coaching Roadmap to Success Preview 05:47

Learn more about what is in this course, how to get the most out of it, and what is covered in the different modules (whole courses included in this one program!).


Questions, Resources and Meet the Instructors Preview 00:41

Introduction to Niche Life Coaching Preview 04:28

Learn why niche life coaching is the #1 secret to being a successful life coach.

What is Niche Life Coaching? Preview 03:28

In this lecture we will go over what niche coaching is. Many people confuse niche coaching with the ability to differentiate yourself from your competition, but niche coaching is much more than that. Find out what a niche even IS and how narrowing your focus is THE key to success!

Why Niche Life Coaching? Preview 10:26

There are many coaches in the field of life coaching, but most of them fail to get their business thriving. We will give you the reasons why you want to go into niche coaching and the power behind it. Niche coaching can truly transform your life and we will tell you why. 

Examples of Life coaching Niches & Sub-niches Preview 02:39

Many people assume that there are only a handful of niches in coaching. However, that is furthest from the truth. In fact we will show you that their are many thriving niches that you may have never considered. It is good to look at them as they will demonstrate that even if you are considering a very unique or weird niche that you may have an opportunity to truly create a thriving business.

Criteria for a Successful life coaching Niche (and passion isn’t enough) Preview 06:42

In this lecture, we will go over four mandatory criteria that you need to have in order to have a successful coaching niche. Keep in mind that it is essential that you take the time to assess them because regardless of how much energy or money you invest in making your niche work it is destined to fail if it does meet these criteria.  

Criteria for a Successful Life Coaching Niches Part 2 Preview 11:08

In this lecture, we will go over a number of helpful criteria. They are not mandatory for your success but they will help you accelerate your success if you meet them.

Our Coaching Evolution Story Preview 08:36

Get to know us (Joeel & Natalie), the journey we traveled to life coaching, and the story of how our coaching niche evolved over time.

3 Real Life Niche Coaches Preview 06:52

Sometimes the best way to gain clarity about what a niche coach really is, is to hear real life examples--and we've got 3 great ones!

Intro to Choosing Your Life Coaching Niche Preview 06:41

In this lecture we will go over the important steps you'll be taking to find a niche of your own. 

Brainstorming Your Niche Preview 04:42

The source of your perfect niche can come from MANY different places... so brainstorm aspects of your expertise, skills, challenges you've overcome, and life experiences that may hold clues to your gift!

What is a TRIBE? Preview 04:28

What is a "tribe" and why is it important to understand if you want to be able to get life coaching clients? Find out!

Who is Your Tribe? Preview 02:20

Based on your niche, who is your tribe--the people who need you most? Relate to your story? Speak your language?

Identify Your Ideal Client Preview 03:10

It's not just about who your niche coaching is for... its what clients are right for YOU!

Your Point of View and Your Personal Brand Preview 07:05

In order to be a successful coach you MUST be willing to be your true authentic self, put yourself out there, and own your point of view! Find out why your message is CENTRAL to your personal brand.

Identify Your GIFT Preview 10:23

We all have a powerful gift, however, sometimes we can't even see that it is there. In this lecture we will empower you to see the gift that you have so that you can share it with those that are eager and open to receiving it. Knowing this gift will help you finalize your purpose-driven niche.

Marketing: Speaking Their Language Preview 08:07

Find out how having a highly target tribe is the key that unlocks success with ALL forms of marketing... marketing can be easy, inexpensive, and fun!

Finding Your Tribe IN PERSON Preview 09:52

Explore ways to find your tribe of clients in person.

Finding Your Tribe ONLINE Preview 07:26

Explore ideas for where and how to connect to your future clients online.

IMPORTANT: Testing Your Niche—Viability & Profitability Preview 08:38

Now that you've identified your niche and your tribe, it is VITAL that you assess and test whether your niche is both VIABLE and PROFITABLE.

Introduction to Life Coaching Packages Preview 05:26

Learn why offering life coaching packages based on RESULTS, rather than generic, individual life coaching sessions, is the secret to selling life coaching.

Why Create Coaching Packages? Preview 06:03

Packaging your coaching services is absolutely vital for long-term success and creating a thriving coaching business! Find out why.

Identifying Your Journey Preview 05:56

Identifying the journey YOU took to get to where you are today is the first step to creating a program that can walk clients through that same journey.

Packaging Your Gift Preview 03:36

Dig deeper into HOW you can help your clients get the RESULTS they desire by exploring the steps, phases, keys or milestones along the path, depending on whether your niche is based on your knowledge, skill, life experience or a process.

Packaging Your Recipe Preview 06:00

Identify your model or recipe for success so that you can guide your students through this PROCESS (yes, you have a process!).

Developing Your Curriculum Preview 10:37

Once you have an outline, it's time to fill in all the details of your full package curriculum and all of the materials you'll need. Blueprint included!

How to Structure Your Package Preview 12:08

Explore different components of package structure, such as in-person or virtual, individual or group, frequency and duration, add-ons and elements, and pricing.

3 Coaching Package Models Preview 07:52

There are 3 main models of coaching packages: One-on-One Sessions, Leveraged One-on-One, and Group Coaching. Find out which one is best for you!

One-on-One Package Options Preview 05:29

When offering one-on-one coaching packages, there are several ways to package your sessions, including simple bulk sessions, VIP sessions, long-term package, and outcome based packages.

Elements of a Package Preview 06:13

What different elements or add-ons are you going to include with your package? Find out your options.

Offering Multiple Packages Preview 12:05

Once you have one package, there are several ways you can add on additional packages, whether that means having multiple tiers of the same package (with added value) or creating new offerings within the same niche.

Determining Your Value Preview 06:00

It is important for you and your client to understand the true value of what your coaching package will do for them.

Evaluating Where You Fit in the Market (Determining What to Charge) Preview 11:34

Conduct market research to compare how your coaching package compares to other similar businesses/coaches. This will help you assess the relative value, and therefore pricing, of your package.

Setting Your Price Preview 15:41

Look at industry pricing, your market research, and the value of each element of your coaching package to establish a final price for your program.

The Money Game (What You Need to Make and Different Ways to Do It) Preview 11:44

Playing the Money Game is a way to look at your financial goals and different ways to reach them.

The Client Ascension Process Preview 05:59

Find out how to take the ideas you had for offering multiple packages and create a COACHING LADDER that allows your clients to "ascend" the ladder and stay with you longer, while meeting more of their needs.

The Problem Solution Method Preview 04:40

The key to an effective client ascension process is to understand what problems your clients STILL have. Find out how!

Additional Revenue Streams Preview 09:02

Once you have a package developed, it's great to identify additional ways you can present the information OR additional information or products you can create. By doing so you can generate additional streams of revenue to diversify your income.

Presenting Your Package Preview 03:34

Once you have a coaching package, you need to put it out there... and the most important part of HOW to put it out there is the WORDING you use to describe it. HINT: you need to write your description in your tribe's language.

Naming Your Package Preview 07:59

Your package name is the first thing your potential clients will see--therefore it needs to make a great first impression and capture the point of your package. You also need to create a compelling tagline or subtitle.

Package Descriptions Preview 07:21

There are several key elements to your package description. In this video we provide an example and a template to use to write your own package description.

Guarantee Preview 03:33

Find out why including a guarantee with your package is so important!

Introduction to Free Sessions Preview 04:17

Learn why free or discounted introductory life coaching sessions are the perfect way to transition leads into paying clients.

Methods for Offering Free Sessions Preview 05:14

Explore your options for offering free sessions and decide whether you want to offer a "qualifying session" or a "full introductory session".

Alternative Non-Sales Methods Preview 04:39

Explore alternative ways of using free session to enroll paying clients that do not involve making your offer during the session

Free or Paid? Preview 03:30

Find out the benefits of offering free sessions and whether you want to charge for your introductory sessions or not.

The Importance of Serving Not Selling Preview 07:28

Find out why getting clients is NOT about selling. It's about serving!

The Importance of Pre-Qualifying Clients Preview 08:20

Explore strategies for prequalifying clients and making sure the people you offer free sessions to are a good fit.

Naming Your Offer Preview 07:04

What's in a name? EVERYTHING! Create a compelling name for your free session.

Outcomes and Limiters Preview 07:32

A compelling offer needs to focus on desirable outcomes and scarcity. Found out how.

Enrolling Clients in the Free Session Preview 03:43

In order to have ANY clients take you up on your free session offer, you have to make it easy for them to enroll.

Structuring Your Coaching Session Preview 05:35

Find out why structuring your coaching session, using this detailed blueprint, is so important for offering free sessions that convert into paying clients.

Step 1: Develop Rapport and Set Expectations Preview 05:38

Find out how to make a connection with your client as well as establish expectations, including planting the seed that will allow you to discuss your coaching program later without feeling awkward.

Step 2: Determine Goals and Problems Preview 06:33

Help your client gain clarity about the problems, goals, desires, and pain.

Step 3: Explain the Benefits of Coaching Preview 02:46

Show your client how coaching with you would help them solve their problems.

Step 4: Offer Results through Coaching Preview 05:53

Offer tremendous value to your client by diving deep into a coaching activity or process that will get them results.

Step 5: Establish Commitment and Future Pace Preview 05:12

Help your client see a vision of themselves accomplishing their goal and test their commitment to following through.

Step 6: Transition to Your Offer Preview 05:31

Learn how to gently bring up your coaching program in a way that feels comfortable and that the client is eager to hear what you can do for them!

Step 7: Closing the Sale Preview 03:29

Learn how to discuss the costs of your coaching program with your client.

Overcoming Objections (Including High-End Clients) Preview 05:54

Learn how to address and overcome common objections, including specific objections and strategies for handling high-end clients and high-cost programs.

What to Do When They Say “No” Preview 03:22

Find out what steps to take at the end of the session when the client has decided NOT to enroll in your program, so that you end on a high note.

What to Do When They Say “Yes” Preview 04:02

Find out what steps to take at the end of your session when the client has said "YES!" and wants to enroll in your program! 

Introduction to Joint Ventures Preview 04:10

Learn how to use joint ventures, collaboration, affiliates, interviews, and more as strategies for connecting to your ideal clients (at zero cost).

The Power of Partnership Preview 07:56

Partnership and joint ventures can impact your business and expand your reach in so many ways that you might not realize! Find out how.

Identifying JV Partners Preview 06:07

The key to joint ventures is to identify who is already connected to your target market and how you can provide them value through a partnership.

Referral Partners Preview 04:26

Learn this simple and effective strategy for establishing referral partnerships.

Trading Preview 03:36

Joint ventures can be as simple as a mutually beneficial trade!

Affiliates Preview 07:36

Learn how to capitalize on and leverage affiliates and their marketing skills!

Interviews Preview 07:51

Whether you want to interview guests or be a guest on a podcast, webinar, radio show, or YouTube channel, find out why and how to develop relationships through interviews.

Cross-Promoting Preview 02:52

Cross-promoting, in person, through email campaigns, or through webinars, is the most common form of joint venture, and for a good reason!

Presenting Preview 07:47

Presenting to another business' audience is a great way to get new clients and customers; find out how.

Co-Creating Preview 03:48

Collaborate at the highest level by creating a new product, service, or event with your joint venture partner.

Finding JV Partners Preview 08:17

Explore the best places to find JV partners, in person and online, as well as the best strategies.

Networking Secrets AND Your Elevator Pitch Preview 07:21

Find out how to network the RIGHT way and find JV partners that are the right fit, as well as master your elevator pitch!

Planning Your Joint Venture Preview 12:43

Plan all of the aspects of your JV partnership, including communication, the benefits you're offering, goals, commissions, costs, timing, resources and responsibilities.

Short vs Long-Term Strategy Preview 09:38

Some partnerships can be approached right away, while other relationships need to be developed more slowly. Find out whether you need to implement a short-term or long-term strategy.

Reaching Out to Partners Preview 06:19

Learn the do's and don't's for reaching out and approaching potential JV partners.

Contracts and Agreements Preview 10:49

Resources for creating agreements and contracts with your joint venture partners.

Introduction to Workshops that Sell Preview 02:54

Learn why workshops and speaking are the best way to help potential life coaching clients get to know, like and trust you.

Why You are Here Preview 02:26

You are in the right place! This program is going to help you expand your business and make money with your mission! Find out how. We also illustrate how this program fits in with our bigger 6-step process. Pay attention—you’ll need to model this later!

Shifting Your Perception of Sales (The Power of Soft-Selling with Workshops) Preview 10:18

The first step to being able to expand your business is to GET OVER your fear of "sales", sounding "salesy" or feeling uncomfortable offering your service...

IMPORTANT: Workshop BLUEPRINT and Documents Preview 00:32

Important course templates and documents, including instructions for using them.

IMPORTANT: Demonstration Documents Preview 00:24

Important sample documents that go with the example presentation referenced throughout the course.

Seeding: The Secret of Soft-Selling Preview 13:48

This powerful strategy helps both you and your audience feel comfortable with your "offer" by paving the way for it in advance.

Knowing Your Target Audience Preview 02:57

The most important factor for effective sales presentations is to be speaking in front of the right audience.

Types of Workshops Preview 05:42

Look at what options you have for implementing what you've learned and executing your workshops.

Teaching Your Expertise Preview 05:44

It’s time to put your expert hat on! Discover what you have to give and how it will change people’s lives and then learn how to build your workshop around that.

Your Unique Personal Blueprint Preview 03:39

Discover the process you use with your clients or business and how to break it down into teachable steps.

Achieving Your Goals Preview 03:12

Get clear on your desired outcomes from teaching your topic and conducting workshops, both for yourself and your business.

Solving Client Problems Preview 04:40

Discover the secret formula for solving your clients’ problems and then having them come back for more!

TRAINING: Positioning Your Self Preview 05:05

Discover the importance of positioning while introducing your workshops, and begin by creating a strong story to position yourself.

DEMONSTRATION Positioning Yourself Preview 07:19

The first step is to let your audience know who you are, what expertise you have to offer, and connect to them.

TRAINING: Positioning Your Audience Preview 03:03

Learn how to create buy-in by making your audience feel they are in the right place.

DEMONSTRATION Positioning Your Audience: Who Are They? Preview 01:21

The second step is to position your audience, which lets them know that 1) you understand them and 2) that they are in the right place because this presentation is going to meet their needs.

TRAINING: Positioning the Workshop Preview 03:14

Let your audience know why this material is important and how it will transform their lives.

DEMONSTRATION Positioning the Presentation: Why Are They There? Preview 03:57

The third step is to position your presentation or workshop and let the audience know why they are there and what transformation or OUTCOMES they will receive.

TRAINING: Positioning Your Offer Preview 03:03

Make sure your audience knows that you have more to offer, and say it in a way that makes them interested and makes you comfortable.

DEMONSTRATION Positioning the Offer: Introducing the Big Picture (Sampler Platte Preview 01:41

This is your opportunity to go over, briefly, your complete  program--like offering a sampler platter. Then you will show how the  main topic of your presentation or workshop fits into the bigger  picture. This section is part of positioning your presentation because  it shows them WHY the main topic matters.


Identify Your Script, Your Identity, and Your Beliefs.


Rewrite a More Empowering Story


Make Life Changes that Reflect Your New Story

TRAINING: Workshop Content Preview 04:32

Follow this simple and powerful outline to turn your process steps into a well-written and effective workshop.

DEMONSTRATION What You Will Learn Today Preview 01:44

Another key ingredient of presenting: tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em.

DEMONSTRATION: Introducing the Main Content Preview 01:45

Let your audience know what the life movie process is and how it works.

DEMONSTRATION The Beginning (The Background Story) Preview 02:17

The background story of the main character.

DEMONSTRATION The Rising Action (Important Scenes) Preview 03:47

Important and repeating scenes.

DEMONSTRATION The Climax (Turning Point) Preview 01:43

The climax, turning point, challenge.

DEMONSTRATION The Current Story (The Falling Action) Preview 01:45

What's happening currently.

DEMONSTRATION The Ending (To-Be-Continued) Preview 01:26

It's more "how the story continues" rather than "how the story ends."

DEMONSTRATION The Plot Summary Preview 01:05

Summary of the story.

DEMONSTRATION Important Things to Consider Preview 03:07

Self reflection on what your story really means.

TRAINING: Closing Steps Preview 04:08

Learn the step by steps process on how to do an effective closing to your workshop.

DEMONSTRATION How to Apply This to Your Life Preview 01:20

Powerful advice for following through and applying what was covered to their life.

DEMONSTRATION The Offer—Summary Sheet & Recap of WHY Preview 01:55

Remind them why they are interested in your program (the outcomes  they're looking for) and hand out a helpful summary sheet, which is also  your offer sheet.

DEMONSTRATION The Offer—What My Program Will Do for You Preview 03:34

Now it's time to let your audience know how they can take it further  by enrolling in your program or hiring you. Don't worry, we show you how  to do it without feeling "salesy".

Teaching with Learning as Your Goal Preview 04:54

Learn techniques for adult learning to ensure your message is being learned by your audience.

Time Planning and Staying on Track Preview 11:13

Be prepared by knowing how much time each segment of your presentation should take and use timing tools to stay on track and finish on time.

Overcoming Fear of Forgetting (Memory Techniques) (Part 1) Preview 07:46

Learn how to make sure you don't forget what you're supposed to talk about by using powerful memory techniques as well as prompts.

Overcoming Fear of Forgetting (Memory Techniques) (Part 2) Preview 10:55

Learn how to make sure you don't forget what you're supposed to talk about by using powerful memory techniques as well as prompts.

Marketing Self-Hosted Workshops Preview 09:53

Explore strategies for promoting and marketing your self-hosted workshops.

Introduction: The Importance of Marketing and Planning Preview 02:18

Learn more about what we will cover in this module about digital marketing.

Creating a Marketing Campaign Preview 02:12

Learn the structure for a successful marketing campaign.

Sales Pages Preview 03:26

Learn how to create an effective sales page for your marketing campaign.

Opt-In Pages Preview 04:44

Learn how to create an effective opt-in page with a lead magnet.

Webinars Preview 04:33

Learn the basics of how to utilize webinars in your marketing campaign.

Calls to Action Preview 03:39

Learn the secrets to effective calls to action.

Email Autoresponders Preview 03:15

Learn the basics of how email sequences and autoresponders work as part of your marketing campaign and marketing automation.

BONUS: Writing Website Copy, Part 1 Preview 09:25

Learn how to write effective marketing copy for your website and the basics of effective website layout.

BONUS: Writing Website Copy, Part 2 Preview 12:13

Learn how to write effective marketing copy for your website and the basics of effective website layout.

Growing Your Email List Preview 13:55

There are a variety of ways to generate leads, get traffic, and grow your email list--find out how.

Online Advertising Using Facebook & Google Ads Preview 01:34

Basic introduction to online advertising using Facebook and Google.

Blogging Preview 00:54

Basic introduction to using blogging as a lead source.

More Marketing Ideas Preview 03:49

Explore additional marketing ideas.

Scripts to Ask for Testimonials and Referrals Preview 02:42

Scripts for asking for testimonials and referrals.

Marketing Resources Preview 00:03

View the attached document for a variety of resources for creating your marketing material.

Introduction to Planning for Success Preview 01:39

Learn a powerful, proven goal setting and implementation strategy for applying what you've learned and continuing to evolve your life coaching business.

Brainstorm Long-Term Goals Preview 02:29

Brainstorming all possible ideas for long-term goals within the next year and narrowing it down to 1 to 3 main goals.

MOTIVATION: Why Do You Want It Preview 03:58

It's important to understand your motivation and the outcomes you believe you'll achieve, including what will happen if you don't reach your goals.

Creating a Vision Preview 04:47

Creating a powerful vision in your mind of how achieving your goals will look and feel, in order to  boost motivation.

Monthly Milestones Preview 04:12

Take the long-term goals and brainstorm what will need to be accomplished in order to reach them, and then chart them into 12 sub-goals or milestones over the course of a year.

Monthly Check-In Preview 04:08

Focusing on the next 2 milestones, brainstorm ALL needed actions, tasks and accomplishments, prioritizing them by how long they will take and what needs to be done before next steps can be taken. Organize them into 60 and 30 day categories.

60 and 30 Day Plans Preview 02:09

Focusing on the next 2 milestones, brainstorm ALL needed actions, tasks and accomplishments, prioritizing them by how long they will take and what needs to be done before next steps can be taken. Organize them into 60 and 30 day categories.

Weekly Plan and Ta-Da List Preview 05:37

Focusing on the next 2 milestones, brainstorm ALL needed actions, tasks and accomplishments, prioritizing them by how long they will take and what needs to be done before next steps can be taken. Organize them into 60 and 30 day categories.

Daily Planning Preview 06:51

Focusing on the next 2 milestones, brainstorm ALL needed actions, tasks and accomplishments, prioritizing them by how long they will take and what needs to be done before next steps can be taken. Organize them into 60 and 30 day categories.

Roadblocks and Setbacks Preview 06:05

Road blocks and set backs are inevitable when working toward long-term goals. Anticipate possible obstacles and plan ahead for how to handle them.

Not to Do List Preview 02:12

Distractions and wasted time can be avoided by anticipating them in advance and setting yourself boundaries regarding what activities to avoid at all cost.

Avoiding Motivation Blocks Preview 05:36

Identify common de-motivators and what will keep you inspired and accountable and create a plan for success.

Conclusion and Next Step Preview 01:57

Congratulations, You did it you finished the course. In this lecture we will go over teh next steps.

BONUS: Additional Life Coaching Tools You Don't Want to Miss Preview 04:32