International Trade And Economics

From Adam Smith to New Trade Theory

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Explorin international trade models
- Learning the role of multilateral institutions in trade and economics
- Understanding the role of tariffs and quotas in the world today

What you'll learn

Explorin international trade models
Learning the role of multilateral institutions in trade and economics
Understanding the role of tariffs and quotas in the world today
Examining commercial policy and how it is used

* Requirements

* Interest and/or prior experience in trade and economics


International Trade Theory is a university course developed over 17 semesters at a top university in South Korea. It is a course perfect for anyone interested in gaining an increased understanding of international trade and economics or for those students pursuing further study in these fields.

This course covers prominent trade models and discusses their role in international trade today. The focus of this course is not on math applications or graphs. Rather, we consider how perspectives on international trade have changed over time and how international trade continues to change today.

International Trade Theory is an introduction to international economics. The focus will be on understanding macro and microeconomic theory and applying them to the modern world. This course will be a combination of lectures and individual study from the textbook which comes free (pdf) as part of this course.

Course Objectives

1. To develop an understanding of economics.

2. To explore economic theory in today’s business world.

3. To examine changes in trade theory since the 16th century.

Here is an outline of the seven chapters contained in this course:

1. The Global Economy

2. Multilateral Institutions

3. Trade Theory from the 16th Century to David Ricardo

4. The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model

5. New Trade Theory

6. Tariffs and Quotas

7. Commercial Policy

So what do you get by purchasing this course?

Included in this course is a course textbook (pdf), 7 lectures of approximately 1-hour in length each, and 7 review question answers in video format.

Who this course is for:

  • Late high school students or university students wanting to deepen their understanding on economics and trade

Course content

8 sections • 15 lectures

Course Book and Introduction Preview 01:13

This is the coursebook we will be using as the basis for our lectures for every unit!

The Global Economy Preview 51:36

This lecture accompanies "Chapter 1- The Global Economy" from our textbook.

Review Questions Preview 11:35

These are the answers to the review questions.

Multilateral Institutions Preview 54:02

This lecture accompanies "Chapter 2- Multilateral Institutions" from our textbook.

Chapter 2 Review Questions Preview 14:32

These are the answers to the review questions.

Unit 3- Trade Theory from 16th Century to David Ricardo Preview 46:01

This lecture accompanies "Chapter 3- Trade Theory from 16th Century to David Ricardo" from our textbook.

Chapter 3 Review Questions Preview 15:34

These are the answers to the review questions.

Chapter 4- The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model Preview 01:02:01

This lecture accompanies "Chapter 4- The Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model" from our textbook.

Chapter 4 Review Questions Preview 10:55

These are the answers to the review questions.

Chapter 5- New Trade Theory Preview 01:01:30

This lecture accompanies "Chapter 5- New Trade Theory" from our textbook.

Chapter 5 Review Answers Preview 11:40

These are the answers to the review questions.

Chapter 6- Tariffs and Quotas Preview 47:55

This lecture accompanies "Chapter 6- Tariffs and Quotas" from our textbook.

Chapter 6 Review Questions Preview 14:18

These are the answers to the review questions.

Chapter 7- Commercial Policy Preview 53:38

Chapter 7 Review Questions Preview 13:43

These are the answers to the review questions.