The Ultimate Guide To Money Laundering And Aml Compliance

Learn the Fundamentals of Money Laundering and Gain Practical Insights into Anti Money Laundering Compliance

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Explain the term money laundering
- it's origin and how money laundering works
- Exemplify various common and uncommon methods of money laundering cross-industry
- Identify different types of companies used for money laundering purposes

What you'll learn

Explain the term money laundering
it's origin and how money laundering works
Exemplify various common and uncommon methods of money laundering cross-industry
Identify different types of companies used for money laundering purposes
Discuss the negative consequences of money laundering at large
Understand the differences between money laundering and terrorist financing
Explain why and how AML regulation became a priority on the global political agenda
Identify relevant international standard-setters in the field of anti-money laundering
Demonstrate an understanding of AML regulation in the EU and US
Understand and specify the risks and treats money laundering poses on organizations
Build and effective AML Compliance Program to better protect their organizations
Understand additional relevant terms and concepts that are commonly used in practice in AML

* Requirements

* An electronic device with online video-viewing or downloading capabilities
* To be interested in money laundering
* and Compliance
* Will not need business or legal expert knowledge
* but a basic understanding is helpful
* Will not need working experience or previous knowledge in Compliance or AML


  • Explain the term money laundering, it's origin and how money laundering works
  • Exemplify various common and uncommon methods of money laundering cross-industry
  • Identify different types of companies used for money laundering purposes
  • Discuss the negative consequences of money laundering at large
  • Understand the differences between money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Explain why and how AML regulation became a priority on the global political agenda
  • Identify relevant international standard-setters in the field of anti-money laundering
  • Demonstrate an understanding of AML regulation in the EU and US
  • Understand and specify the risks and treats money laundering poses on organizations
  • Build and effective AML Compliance Program to better protect their organizations
  • Understand additional relevant terms and concepts that are commonly used in practice in AML

Course content

9 sections • 58 lectures

Welcome Preview 00:15

Introduction to this course Preview 07:35

Invitation: Join the discussion in our private group on LinkedIn (Learn&Connect) Preview 00:13

Download the Course Slides Preview 00:06

Bonus: Download the course workbook Preview 00:04

About You: What is your motivation for taking this course and what do you expect

In this quick practical assignment, I would like to better understand a very important aspect: YOU

What you will learn in this Section Preview 02:15

What is Money Laundering? Preview 03:25

A brief History of Money Laundering Preview 03:50

The 3 Stages of Money Laundering Preview 08:25

Consequences of Money Laundering Preview 04:56

Section Summary Preview 03:32

Test your Knowledge

What you will learn in this Section Preview 02:01

Money Laundering using Financial Businesses Preview 07:25

Money Laundering using Non-Financial Businesses Preview 05:37

Case Study: 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Preview 00:06

Trade-based Money Laundering Preview 03:47

Case Study: Trade-based Money Laundering Preview 03:48

Black Market Peso Exchange Preview 03:26

Unconventional Money Laundering Methods Preview 04:15

Section Summary Preview 01:30

Test your Knowledge

What you will learn in this Section Preview 03:21

Shell, Shelf, and Front Companies Preview 09:12

Misuse of Corporate Vehicles Preview 07:17

A Word on the term Offshore Preview 08:32

Section Summary Preview 03:08

Test your Knowledge

What you will learn in this Section Preview 02:51

What is Terrorist Financing? Preview 04:10

The 4 Stages of Terrorist Financing Preview 03:58

Practical Examples of Terrorist Financing Preview 04:36

Similarities and Differences between Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering Preview 05:23

Section Summary Preview 04:43

What you will learn in this Section Preview 04:41

Emergence of International AML Regulation Preview 03:33

Relevant Organizations and Standard-setting Bodies Preview 11:19

The most important AML Regulation in the US Preview 06:29

The most important AML Regulation in the EU Preview 07:20

Section Summary Preview 04:01

What you will learn in this Section Preview 08:13

Why Money Laundering is a Risk for Organisations and AML Compliance important Preview 10:47

How to build an effective AML program Preview 03:09

Step 1: Creating the right Organizational Environment Preview 03:43

Step 2: Conducting an AML Risk Assessment Preview 11:46

Step 3: Implementing Organizational Measures Preview 10:33

Section Summary Preview 05:06

What you will learn in this Section Preview 04:46

Conducting Customer Due Diligence and KYC Preview 10:50

Dealing with Politically Exposed Persons Preview 11:05

Performing AML Screenings and Transaction Monitoring Preview 09:22

Identyfying Red Flags and atypical Customer Behaviour Preview 06:27

Filing a Suspicious Activity Report Preview 08:44

Section Summary Preview 04:47

Congratulations Preview 01:38

Get Your Certificate of Completion Preview 00:11

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