Ml And Python In Finance Real Cases And Practical Solutions

Master Python Programming Fundamentals and Harness the Power of ML to Solve Real-World Practical Applications in Finance

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- Master Python 3 programming fundamentals for Data Science and Machine Learning with focus on Finance.
- Understand how to leverage the power of Python to apply key financial concepts such as calculating daily portfolio returns
- risk and Sharpe ratio.
- Understand the theory and intuition behind Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

What you'll learn

Master Python 3 programming fundamentals for Data Science and Machine Learning with focus on Finance.
Understand how to leverage the power of Python to apply key financial concepts such as calculating daily portfolio returns
risk and Sharpe ratio.
Understand the theory and intuition behind Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Understand how to use Jupyter Notebooks for developing
presenting and sharing Data Science projects.
Learn how to use key Python Libraries such as NumPy for scientific computing
Pandas for Data Analysis
Matplotlib for data plotting/visualization
and Seaborn for statistical plots.
Master SciKit-Learn library to build
train and tune machine learning models using real-world datasets.
Apply machine and deep learning models to solve real-world problems in the banking and finance sectors such as stock prices prediction
security news sentiment analysis
credit card fraud detection
bank customer segmentation
and loan default prediction.
Understand the theory and intuition behind several machine learning algorithms for regression tasks (simple/multiple/polynomial)
classification and clustering (K-Means).
Assess the performance of trained machine learning regression models using various KPI (Key Performance indicators) such as Mean Absolute Error
Mean Squared Error
and Root Mean Squared Error intuition
R-Squared intuition
and Adjusted R-Squared.
Assess the performance of trained machine learning classifiers using various KPIs such as accuracy
and F1-score.
Understand the underlying theory
intuition and mathematics behind Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM).
Train ANNs using back propagation and gradient descent algorithms.
Optimize ANNs hyper parameters such as number of hidden layers and neurons to enhance network performance.
Master feature engineering and data cleaning strategies for machine learning and data science applications.

* Requirements

* No prior experience required.


  • Master Python 3 programming fundamentals for Data Science and Machine Learning with focus on Finance.
  • Understand how to leverage the power of Python to apply key financial concepts such as calculating daily portfolio returns, risk and Sharpe ratio.
  • Understand the theory and intuition behind Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • Understand how to use Jupyter Notebooks for developing, presenting and sharing Data Science projects.
  • Learn how to use key Python Libraries such as NumPy for scientific computing, Pandas for Data Analysis, Matplotlib for data plotting/visualization, and Seaborn for statistical plots.
  • Master SciKit-Learn library to build, train and tune machine learning models using real-world datasets.
  • Apply machine and deep learning models to solve real-world problems in the banking and finance sectors such as stock prices prediction, security news sentiment analysis, credit card fraud detection, bank customer segmentation, and loan default prediction.
  • Understand the theory and intuition behind several machine learning algorithms for regression tasks (simple/multiple/polynomial), classification and clustering (K-Means).
  • Assess the performance of trained machine learning regression models using various KPI (Key Performance indicators) such as Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, and Root Mean Squared Error intuition, R-Squared intuition, and Adjusted R-Squared.
  • Assess the performance of trained machine learning classifiers using various KPIs such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
  • Understand the underlying theory, intuition and mathematics behind Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM).
  • Train ANNs using back propagation and gradient descent algorithms.
  • Optimize ANNs hyper parameters such as number of hidden layers and neurons to enhance network performance.
  • Master feature engineering and data cleaning strategies for machine learning and data science applications.

Course content

20 sections • 131 lectures

Welcome Message Preview 05:11

Introduction, Success Tips & Best Practices and Key Learning Outcomes Preview 14:02

Course Outline and Key Learning Outcomes Preview 19:56

Environment Setup & Course Materials Download Preview 09:35

Google Colab Walkthrough Preview 08:54

Python for Data Science Learning Path Preview 00:34

Study Tips For Success Preview 00:34

Colab Notebooks - Variables Assignment, Math Ops, Precedence, and Print/Get Preview 00:02

Variable assignment Preview 14:30

Math operations Preview 14:36

Precedence Preview 11:50

Print operation Preview 11:50

Get User Input Preview 18:28

Colab Notebooks - Comparison Operators, Logical Operators and If Statements Preview 00:02

Comparison operators Preview 10:52

Logical operators Preview 11:09

Conditional statements - Part #1 Preview 17:31

Conditional statements - Part #2 Preview 13:17

Colab Notebooks - For/While Loops, Range, List Comprehension Preview 00:01

For loops Preview 15:37

Range Preview 11:39

While Loops Preview 14:04

Break a loop Preview 11:45

Nested loops Preview 11:30

List comprehension Preview 17:40

Colab Notebooks - Functions Preview 00:00

Functions: built-in functions Preview 07:57

Custom functions Preview 13:52

Lambda expression Preview 07:47

Map Preview 10:06

Filter Preview 09:57

Colab Notebooks - Files Operations Preview 00:01

Reading & Writing Text Files Preview 21:10

Reading & Writing CSV Files Preview 13:32

Colab Notebooks - Pandas Preview 00:00

Pandas: Introduction to Pandas and DataFrames Preview 20:44

Reading HTML data, and applying functions, and sorting Preview 13:21

DataFrame operations Preview 07:47

Pandas with functions Preview 09:03

Ordering and Sorting Preview 05:17

Merging/joining/concatenation Preview 21:21

Colab Notebooks - Data Visualization with Seaborn Preview 00:01

Data Visualization with Seaborn - Part #1 Preview 22:11

Data Visualization with Seaborn - Part #2 Preview 13:57

Introduction to Part #3: Machine and Deep Learning in Finance Preview 01:05

Colab Notebooks - Perform Bank Customers Segmentation Preview 00:01

Colab Notebooks - Perform Bank Customers Segmentation

Problem statement and business case Preview 10:41

Import libraries and datasets Preview 14:42

Visualize data Preview 19:55

Understand K-means algorithm Preview 15:18

Obtain optimal K Preview 08:09

Apply K-means clustering Preview 09:37

Principal component analysis Preview 10:05

Intuition of autoencoders Preview 07:50

Train autoencoder Preview 12:07

Apply autoencoder Preview 14:02