Learn To Program Cpp

Tags: C++

Learn Programming Basics in C++ with a project based approach

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.9

- Create a portfolio of C++ projects using... C++
- Get your computer ready to program in C++ using Visual Studio. (Level 0: Getting Started)
- Create an application that handles standard output. (Level 1: Hello World!)

What you'll learn

Create a portfolio of C++ projects using... C++
Get your computer ready to program in C++ using Visual Studio. (Level 0: Getting Started)
Create an application that handles standard output. (Level 1: Hello World!)
Create an application that handles input. (Level 2: Nice to Meet You)
Create an application that manipulates strings. (Level 3: Name the Great)
Create an application that has a conversation. (Level 4: Chatbot)
Create an application that does Arithmetic. (Level 5: Integer Calculator)'
Create an application that does math with decimals. (Level 6: Decimal Calculator)
Create an application that uses if statements (Level 7: Correct Answer)
Create an application that uses if and else statements (Level 8: Incorrect Answer)
Create an application that uses if
else if
and else statements (Level 9: Old Enough to Vote)
Discuss some of the fundamentals of computer programming

* Requirements

* Students will need to be familiar with computers
* but no special software or skills are required to get started.


  • Create a portfolio of C++ projects using... C++
  • Get your computer ready to program in C++ using Visual Studio. (Level 0: Getting Started)
  • Create an application that handles standard output. (Level 1: Hello World!)
  • Create an application that handles input. (Level 2: Nice to Meet You)
  • Create an application that manipulates strings. (Level 3: Name the Great)
  • Create an application that has a conversation. (Level 4: Chatbot)
  • Create an application that does Arithmetic. (Level 5: Integer Calculator)'
  • Create an application that does math with decimals. (Level 6: Decimal Calculator)
  • Create an application that uses if statements (Level 7: Correct Answer)
  • Create an application that uses if and else statements (Level 8: Incorrect Answer)
  • Create an application that uses if, else if, and else statements (Level 9: Old Enough to Vote)
  • Discuss some of the fundamentals of computer programming

Course content

13 sections • 29 lectures

Introduction Preview 02:18

Learn C++ through Small Projects from Hello World to Hello Objects

Level 0: Getting Started Preview 02:21

Learning C++ is daunting for many reasons, but the most obvious and principal resasons is that people do not know where to even begin. This getting started tutorial is put together in the same format as the rest of the “levels” in this Introduction to C++ course.

It won't work! Preview 01:40

What am I supposed to do if Visual Studio does not run on my computer? Do not panic.

Self Check for Level 0

Let's see if you are ready to roll.

Level 1A: Hello World Preview 02:20

Today you will create the quintessential first program. It is customary, when learning a new programming language, to start with Hello World! This program is the bare minimum of what a c++ program can be. It will output “Hello World!” and that is it.

Level 1B: Hello World Walkthrough Preview 07:59


Today you will create the quintessential first program. It is customary, when learning a new programming language, to start with Hello World! This program is the bare minimum of what a c++ program can be. It will output “Hello World!” and that is it.


  • int main(){ }
  • <iostream>
  • std::cout <<
  • \n
  • std::cin.ignore();
  • return 0;

Self Check for Level 1

Let's review some of the basics we learned so far.

Level 2: Nice to Meet You Preview 08:53


Learning C++ programming can be very intimidating, but we will be working on building our skills one level at a time. This time we will be adding some user interaction to the Hello World application from Level 1.


  • <string>
  • std::string name;
  • getline (std::cin, name);

Self Check for Level 2

We added some new elements to our program.

Level 3: Name the Great Preview 14:38


This level offers a small glimpse of what you can do with strings. We are going to use Nice to Meet You to play with some of the included features in the string library.


  • string.length()
  • string.front()
  • string.back()
  • string.append(“string”)
  • std::cout <<a<<b<<c;

Self Check for Level 3

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 4: Chatbot Preview 12:05


Alan Turing was mathematician who proposed a test in 1950 known as the Turing Test. A computer program would be considered intelligent if it could convince a human, through a text conversation, that it was human. For this level we will build upon Level 2 to try to have a conversation.


  • Variable Declarations
  • Writing One Line on Multiple Lines

Self Check for Level 4

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 5: Integer Calculator Preview 10:46


So far we have built programs using strings, but lets look at a new data types. We are going to create a little basic calculator. Plus, we are going to use a namespace to make writing our code simpler.


  • int
  • using namespace std;
  • endl
  • cin >>
  • Integer Arithmetic
  • Modulo

Self Check for Level 5

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 6: Decimal Calculator Preview 07:09


Computers do not treat all numbers the same. It sees integers and decimals differently and we are going to explore that by modifying our Integer Calculator to handle decimals. That means that we will be using a the data type double for the first time.


  • <iomanip>
  • double number1;
  • cout << setprecision(3) << fixed;
  • double/doubl

Self Check for Level 6

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 7: Correct Answer Preview 04:00


Computers do not treat all numbers the same. It sees integers and decimals differently and we are going to explore that by modifying our Integer Calculator to handle decimals. That means that we will be using a the data type double for the first time.


  • if(){}
  • number = 4;
  • number1==number2

Self Check for Level 7

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 8: Incorrect Answer Preview 04:45


This level continues where we left off at the end of Level 7. Our last program did not output anything if we got the answer wrong. In this level we will be adding that missing component.


  • else{}
  • //Comments
  • camelCase

Self Check for Level 8

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 9: Old Enough to Vote Preview 04:21


This level continues where we left off at the end of Level 7. Our last program did not output anything if we got the answer wrong. In this level we will be adding that missing component.


  • <, >
  • if-else if-else
  • else if ( ){ }

Self Check for Level 9

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 10: Cake? Preview 04:35


For this level we create a new level from scratch. This is a quick but important lesson.


  • char
  • yes or no

Self Check for Level 10

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 11: Multiple Choice Question Preview 06:58


For this level we create a new program using a switch statement. A switch can be an incredibly convienient way to control the flow of your program.


  • switch
  • break

Self Check for Level 11

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.

Level 12: Favorite Birthday Food Preview 06:48


For this level we create a new level from scratch. There is a lot going on in this program, but we are adding all the necessary pieces to add random numbers to our programs.


  • srand
  • rand
  • %
  • <time.h>
  • time(NULL)

Self Check for Level 12

Let's review the new things we learned in our program.