Creating An Environment Based On Respect

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.3

- understand what constitutes inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.
- appreciate the effects of inappropriate behaviour on individuals and organisations.
- understand why people may behave inappropriately

What you'll learn

understand what constitutes inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.
appreciate the effects of inappropriate behaviour on individuals and organisations.
understand why people may behave inappropriately
appreciate how it can be helpful to look at inappropriate behaviour in the workplace as an interaction involving three parties: the ’Perpetrator'
the ’Victim' and the ’Bystander’
know what action Victims and Bystanders can take to tackle inappropriate behaviour.
be aware of the kinds of actions that managers
colleagues and victims of bullying and harassment can take to reduce the incidence of inappropriate behaviour.
appreciate the importance of drawing up
communicating and implementing workplace behaviour policies.
know how to use the CREATE model to build an inclusive working environment.

* Requirements

* No previous experience or knowledge required


This course examines the different types of inappropriate behaviour that can occur in the workplace and looks at what we can all do to create a working environment based on tolerance and respect.

Bullying, harassment and other types of inappropriate behaviour can have a profound impact both at work and beyond. In our increasingly diverse workplaces, everyone has a role to play in creating an environment that’s based on respect and enables everyone to give their best.

Combining original drama with insight from leading equality and diversity specialists, this briefing looks at the nature and causes of bullying and harassment, the business case for challenging inappropriate behaviour at work and the role we all have to play in building a respectful, tolerant working culture.

Who this course is for:

  • Managers and all staff in organisations of every size

Course content

6 sections • 13 lectures

Welcome and how to use this course Preview 00:47

The impact of bullying and harassment Preview 05:20

In this lecture we look at the different forms that bullying and harassment can take and the impact they can have in the workplace, both on people on the receiving end and on those who witness it.

Useful definitions of bullying, harassment and victimisation Preview 00:52

This lecture sets out clear definitions of bullying, harassment and victimisation.

Knowledge check

Perpetrators, Victims and Bystanders Preview 09:40

This lecture demonstrates how it can be helpful to approach bullying and harassment in terms of Perpetrators, Victims and Bystanders and how this model can help us tackle inappropriate behaviour.

Knowledge check

Tackling inappropriate behaviour Preview 04:20

In this lecture, we look at the different roles of Victims and Bystanders in tackling inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and how we can use the CREATE model to build an environment where everyone is treated with respect.

Knowledge check

Victim interventions Preview 04:50

This lecture looks at how Victims of bullying and harassment can take effective action to put a stop to this behaviour by confronting Perpetrators using an assertive 3-step approach.

Bystander interventions Preview 03:00

This lecture examines the role of Bystanders and witnesses of inappropriate behaviour and shows how they can take effective action to confront Perpetrators and support Victims.

Manager interventions Preview 04:36

In this lecture, we look at the role of managers in addressing inappropriate behaviour and how they can take effective action to confront Perpetrators.

Knowledge check