Complete Instructional Design And Training Development

Learn modern instructional design, position your training initiatives for success, and see skills transfer to the job

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.6

- Start applying modern instructional design techniques
- Effectively sell your courses to upper management
- Apply adult learning theory to training development

What you'll learn

Start applying modern instructional design techniques
Effectively sell your courses to upper management
Apply adult learning theory to training development
Recognize characteristics of a modern training program
Put Training Department in a position of influence
Design training that expands beyond the classroom
Recognize the myths of enhancing learning outcomes (and what to do instead)
Identify ways to empower employees

* Requirements

* No software required
* If a business leader
* a strong understanding of your current training program
* Basic knowledge of instructional design helpful
* but not required
* Basic knowledge of adult learning theory helpful
* but not required
* Familiarity with eLearning terms helpful
* but not required


In this course, you will be challenged repeatedly to apply what you learn so that you see a high return on your investment. I am serious about your learning. What exactly will you learn? Let's take a look:

This course is designed to teach you all the aspects of Instructional Design, how to write a training plan that ensures behavior change, how to position your training initiatives for success, engage and empower your learners, and to think about how training influences the success of an entire organization.

Whether you're a trainer, a manager, or a business owner, you will find this deep look into training helpful as we explore all the misconceptions about training, and then work to correct them.

Who this course is for:

  • Business leaders who want more out of their training initiatives
  • Instructional Designers looking for new ideas
  • Aspiring instructional designers
  • Training managers who need to modernize their programs
  • Course developers

Course content

11 sections • 59 lectures

Worksheet - Download now before continuing Preview 2 pages

Continued Introduction Preview 04:01

In this video, I drive home the objectives of the course and talk about the training bubble.

Training's Direction as I See It Preview 11:03

Some thoughts about where training is headed.

Data (and its problems) Preview 07:50

What training data can we capture? Here are some examples.

Reconnect Management to Training Preview 04:44

Management is key to training development in many ways. It's time to start acting like it.

Trainers' Training vs. Management's Training - A conflict in Ideology Preview 05:20

How can you use your knowledge of how people learn to influence better learning outcomes?

Have a learning experience, but not much more Preview 06:20

We must not rely on single learning experiences.

Business Needs vs. Objectives Preview 01:30

The objectives for any course should tie into the overall business needs.

Lack of follow-through Preview 03:04

Focus should turn more towards what happens after a learning experience.

A lot of training, but not much to show for it Preview 01:10

So what are you doing? Preview 02:39

Take the time to evaluate your current training intiatives.

Variety of formats Preview 03:09

Don't stick to one way of teaching. Mix it up.

Working with and in departments Preview 01:25

Make sure training design is taking into consideration the people in the field (i.e., your learners!).

Training is continuous Preview 06:17

Research has proven that extending learning into the field yields major positive results.

Learners have options Preview 03:52

Could learners test out? Can they find more information? Give them options.

Training is challenge-based and learner-centric Preview 02:03

Challenge your students to solve problems instead of sitting back and listening.

Student becomes master Preview 03:06

Take the class and move on? No longer. Preview 01:02

Avoid the "silo effect" Preview 04:40

Business partners, not order takers Preview 01:30

Reconsider Training's vision statement Preview 02:42

Define Training's value - In Normal Speak! Preview 05:45

Building a training team Preview 05:32

Understand skills, and then delegate Preview 02:28

Developing your training team Preview 03:24

"I'm a visual learner" Preview 01:33

Dense Courses Preview 04:53

One master Preview 02:55

Everyone's experiences matter and should be part of the learning process

Project management concepts Preview 07:53

At a high level Preview 03:44

Training Development Plan - Your standard guide Preview 06:30

Pre-project list Preview 03:37

ADDIE Preview 09:25

There are endless ADDIE resources out there for free; you are here to learn how to apply it, but more importantly to learn how to apply it for your organization.

What are the major outputs in ADDIE?

Tabletop Analysis Preview 03:37

Needs Analysis Preview 07:27

Job analysis Preview 02:37

Task Analysis Preview 08:33

Task-to-Training Preview 01:49

Get to know your audience Preview 04:33

Construct Job Performance Measures Preview 01:59

Determine Constraints Preview 01:59

Develop Objectives Preview 06:10

Construct evaluation Preview 06:53

Develop sequence and structure Preview 06:13

Preferred method(s) of instruction Preview 07:22

Design Activities Preview 04:39

Post-class plan Preview 04:09

Communication Preview 01:57

Measurable variables Preview 04:50

Can't do Tabletop Analysis? No problem. Preview 05:19

Instructional Design

Resources Preview 3 pages

Download the attached documents for tools and tips

Next steps Preview 01:38

Don't be afraid to ask employees to take on some of the training. You'll probably be surprised at the response. Let's take a look how you can employ these tactics for better training results and higher employee job satisfaction.

Conclusion Preview 00:58

There are a lot of misconceptions about learning. Everyone has fallen victim to popular trends that are not fully backed up by research. In other cases, these tactics are misused.