Build The Best Resume Linkedin Profile By Mba Award Winning Prof

Tags: LinkedIn

By an Award Winning MBA Prof. Who Successfully Changed Careers from Goldman to Consulting to VC to Hedge Funds to Tech.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.2

- Get your dream job.
- Build your perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years).
- Build your perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you).

What you'll learn

Get your dream job.
Build your perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years).
Build your perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you).
Passion: Know how to figure out what career you are most passionate about so that it feels like you don't have a have a passion!
Know what your goals are in life [Optional Goal Setting Workshop Section]. This section will change your life. We will set incredible goals and what your resume WILL look like in 10 years. We will follow through and make these goals a reality within 10 years.
Understand what impactful words you should include on you resume. There are certain impactful words we must include on our resume. We will also talk about optimal job titles to use (if you started a club or work part time or if you don't have an official title).
Know what accomplishments to put on your resume. We will discuss how to list your top accomplishments on your resume. Plus there are definitely a few things that you have accomplished that you never thought of putting on your resume.
Know exactly how to format your resume.
How to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that recruiters have an easier time finding your profile.
How to embrace Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) the easy way. We will add more complexity to your LinkedIn profile as keywords help you rank higher in search rankings.
How to add much more depth to your LinkedIn profile.
Know what should be included in LinkedIn recommendations (if possible). What should be in recommendations? Keywords please for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)!
Know how to add endorsements
which helps recruiters find you on LinkedIn and helps you with S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization).
Comprehend why to only take advice from successful people...and comment on their posts!
How to create an unbelievable cover letter. We will talk about how to make an incredibly passionate
simple and effective cover letter.
Understand the secrets of getting recruiters to find you via "groups." Recruiters
potential employers and potential customers will find you more easily if you are members of "groups".
Know what you should remove that is written online (and negative of course) about you and how can we do this so recruiters don't see negative items when searching our names.
How you can rank higher in Google search rankings.
and much more...

* Requirements

* Anyone can take this course (no prior knowledge of creating resumes or creating search engine optimized LinkedIn profiles is required)! Recommended: access to Microsoft Word.


  • Get your dream job.
  • Build your perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years).
  • Build your perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you).
  • Passion: Know how to figure out what career you are most passionate about so that it feels like you don't have a have a passion!
  • Know what your goals are in life [Optional Goal Setting Workshop Section]. This section will change your life. We will set incredible goals and what your resume WILL look like in 10 years. We will follow through and make these goals a reality within 10 years.
  • Understand what impactful words you should include on you resume. There are certain impactful words we must include on our resume. We will also talk about optimal job titles to use (if you started a club or work part time or if you don't have an official title).
  • Know what accomplishments to put on your resume. We will discuss how to list your top accomplishments on your resume. Plus there are definitely a few things that you have accomplished that you never thought of putting on your resume.
  • Know exactly how to format your resume.
  • How to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that recruiters have an easier time finding your profile.
  • How to embrace Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) the easy way. We will add more complexity to your LinkedIn profile as keywords help you rank higher in search rankings.
  • How to add much more depth to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Know what should be included in LinkedIn recommendations (if possible). What should be in recommendations? Keywords please for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)!
  • Know how to add endorsements, which helps recruiters find you on LinkedIn and helps you with S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization).
  • Comprehend why to only take advice from successful people...and comment on their posts!
  • How to create an unbelievable cover letter. We will talk about how to make an incredibly passionate, simple and effective cover letter.
  • Understand the secrets of getting recruiters to find you via "groups." Recruiters, potential employers and potential customers will find you more easily if you are members of "groups".
  • Know what you should remove that is written online (and negative of course) about you and how can we do this so recruiters don't see negative items when searching our names.
  • How you can rank higher in Google search rankings.
  • and much more...

Course content

20 sections • 67 lectures

Thank You Message from Chris Preview 00:02

Introduction+Your Resume/LinkedIn Success Journal We Will Use for All Exercises Preview 00:30

This course will help you create an incredible resume and an incredible linkedin profile from scratch. I have also included an optional goal setting exercise near the end of the course. 

Please find attached your Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal, which is a 67 page exercise book to help you do exceptionally well in your interviews.  I attached a PDF and a Microsoft Word version of the same document (in case you wanted to type your answers to the 22 exercises in the Microsoft Word document). 

Please only open and do the exercises in the attached Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal when I mention to please do them in the course videos (I will explain how & when and much more detail in the videos). Thanks

As always, I am here to help if you have any questions.

Thanks a lot for your time and for your commitment. Please enjoy the course; let's begin! Chris Haroun

Introduction to the Harvard Business School Resume Format & Why We Must Use It Preview 07:45

This lesson introduces the resume format that we will use for this course as I got all of my jobs using this format and many executives (especially the senior ones) are familiar with this 1 page format; if it aint broke, why fix it. As such, we will use this 1 page format as it works best. 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #1 What is Wrong with This Resume? Preview 00:42

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

A Discussion of the Answers to the Resume/LinkedIn Success Journal Exercise #1 Preview 05:57

Attention to detail is crucial as just one small mistake on a resume will stop you from getting hired (it is sooooooo competitive getting a job). 

Introduction to Impactful Words and Job Titles Preview 01:16

We will cover impactful words in this section that we can use on our resume to make it more professional and powerful.

Impactful Words to Use on Your Resume Preview 08:27

Attached is the impactful words cheat sheet that we will use to create our resume. 

What Tense to Use (Present or Past)? Preview 01:11

Using the correct tense is crucial as 1 grammatical typo can lead to an applicant not getting an interview. 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #2: Using Impactful Words & in the Right Tense Preview 00:30

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Discussion of the Answers to Exercise #2 Preview 02:50

Answers to the last exercise are discussed in this lecture. 

Position Titles to Use on Your Resume Preview 02:30

Attached is the Position Titles document that we discuss in this lecture. 

What Have You Done that's Impressive/Interesting/Unique to Impresses Interviewer Preview 08:53

Let's analyze people that have jobs we want and see what qualities they have that we don't. Then we will work on filling that gap you can get your dream job! 

Resume Journal Exercise #3: List Impressive/Interesting & Unique on a Resume Preview 01:07

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Introduction & An Example of a Completed Resume Preview 01:06

We look at what our finished resume product looks like and whether to lead with your education or your work experience.

How to Create a Superb Work Experience Section of the Resume Preview 02:21

How many bullet points do we put in each section, what font size to use etc. I attached the impactful words and job title documents again to this lecture in case you need to access them to make your resume. 

Resume Journal Exercise #4: Creating the Work Experience Section of Your Resume Preview 04:26

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

How to Create a Superb Education Section of the Resume Preview 03:21

What should and what should we not list in the education section on our resume? How do we list education if we didn't or have not yet graduated? Should you list every club you were involved with or should you list additional course work that was not part of your degree on your resume? 

Resume Journal Exercise #5: Creating the Education Section of Your Resume Preview 02:23

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

How to Create a Superb Personal/Other Section of the Resume Preview 08:11

Please spend a lot of time on this section - especially the last line of the resume as I have gotten jobs based on listing my hobbies! List your passions in life at the bottom. For me I always list baseball. 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #6: Creating the Personal/Other Section Preview 02:01

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Woohoo! Success Journal Exercise #7: Creating Final Resume Product Preview 07:42

This is the final resume step!!!! Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Also, please find attached the resume template to use to complete your resume. 

The Only Thing That Matters When Writing A Cover Letter is... Preview 12:38

How to materially increase the chances of getting a meeting using a cover letter by appealing to people that are very similar to you and that are living your perfect life in 10 You will understand after this lecture, which should help lead to a breakthrough that will help you to get interviews or informationals. 

Cover Letter Overview Preview 02:13

We discuss the overview of using a cover letter. I will include several templates in the next few lectures that you can use if you want to write a cover letter (or if someone requests a cover letter from you). 

The Changing Career Cover Letter (and Email Script if Applicable) Preview 06:48

Please find attached the 'changing careers cover letter' and the 'changing careers email script' documents that we discuss in this section. You can use these templates if you want to. Thanks 

The I am a Student Cover Letter (and Email Script if Applicable) Preview 07:02

Please find attached the 'student cover letter' and the 'student email script' documents that we discuss in this section. You can use these templates if you want to. Thanks 

The I'm Not a Student & I'm Not Changing Careers Cover Letter (& Email Script) Preview 06:25

Please find attached the 'I'm not a student and I'm not changing careers cover letter' and the 'I'm not a student and I'm not changing careers email script' documents that we discuss in this section. You can use these templates if you want to. Thanks 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #8: Writing Your Cover Letter or Email Script Preview 00:20

This is an optional exercise as we don't all use and send cover letters. Please complete the cover letter template and or the email template that applies to you which are attached to the previous 3 lessons of this section entitled:

The Changing Career Cover Letter (and Email Script if Applicable)

The I am a Student Cover Letter (and Email Script if Applicable)

The I'm Not a Student & I'm Not Changing Careers Cover Letter (an Email Script if Applicable)


Introduction to Optimizing/Improving Your LinkedIn Profile Preview 02:24

We will work on porting our resume into our LinkedIn profile so that recruiters will have an easier time accessing our resume. 

Creating/Improving Your LinkedIn Profile Using Your Resume Preview 04:58

How can we access and create notes on our meetings in LinkedIn and simply copying and pasting our new resume to our LinkedIn profile and what is the optimal sorting, Search Engine Optimized introduction and endorsement bombing etc : ) 

Resume Journal Exercise #9: Copying Your Resume to Your LinkedIn Profile Preview 00:37

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Intro & Checklist of What to Write On the Summary Part of your LinkedIn Profile Preview 03:44

List your strengths, your passions, what is unique, interesting and interesting about you in your LinkedIn summary section among other topics covered in this lecture. We also discuss questions which will help you understand who the target reader is of your profile and many other topics including keywords to help you write a very impactful LinkedIn summary section. 

Resume Exercise #10.1: Checklist+Questions to Answer to Help Write Summary Preview 00:24

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Putting it All Together and Writing Your Profile Preview 03:20

Let's write your LinkedIn summary! 

Resume Exercise #10.2: Finishing Your LinkedIn Summary & Adding it to LinkedIn Preview 01:01

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Adding More Work, Education, Personal Items & Bullet Points to Your Profile Preview 01:59

We will add a lot more detail now to our LinkedIn profile. Unlike our resume, there are no constraint limits. In sections 28, 29 and 30 of "Part 2 of 3: Resume, LinkedIn and Career Success Journal,"  we can additional details that we couldn't put or fit on our resume to our LinkedIn profile, which we will do in the next exercise. 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #11: Adding More Items to Your LinkedIn Profile Preview 01:01

Adding More Items to Your LinkedIn Profile

We have already done the work on this so all we need to do is copy and paste items from our Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal, exercises #4, #5 and #6:

  • Please refer to Exercise #4 in the Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal, which is called Creating the Work Experience Section of Your Resume (The 1st of 3 Parts of Your Resume).
  • If you included work experience and bullet points in the table in section 4 that you couldn’t fit on your resume, then you can copy and paste these items into your LinkedIn profile.
  • In addition, if you have additional bullet points in the right side of the table in Exercise #4 that you didn’t have room to include on your resume, you can also consider adding these to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Please turn to Exercise #5, which is called Creating the Education Section Of Your Resume (The 2nd of 3 Parts of Your Resume).
  • Similarly, please add the additional Education sections and or additional bullet points that are not included on your resume to your LinkedIn profile. For example, you can add additional course work that you completed after a degree that you earned.
  • Lastly, you can look at Exercise #6, which is called Creating the Personal/Other Section of Your Resume (The 3rd of 3 Parts of Your Resume).
  • Add additional sections or bullet points not on your resume to your LinkedIn profile if you want to. 

Adding a Professional Photo/Head Shot Preview 01:36

How to create a profile picture and other head shot tips. 

Why and How to Ask for Recommendations and Who Should You Ask? Preview 04:24

Most of the successful founders and CEOs that I have invested in (in the venture capital industry) have many recommendations written about them on LinkedIn. This section explains how many recommendations you need to have on your LinkedIn profile in order to get your dream job. Thanks

Resume Success Journal Exercise #12: Adding Recommendations to Your Profile Preview 01:16

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Why You Should 'Endorse' People on LinkedIn Preview 02:20

Adding 50 endorsement words that will help you get noticed by recruiters, potential customers and potential employers. 

Resume Journal Exercise #13.1: Adding 50 Endorsement Words to Your Profile Preview 00:40

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Resume Success Journal Exercise #13.2: Endorsing Your Contacts Preview 00:52

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Introduction to YOU as a Journalist Preview 05:38

The new digital reality rules are that you need to write a lot online. I will teach you how. 

Start Participating on LinkedIn Via Simple Updates Preview 00:54

How to start participating in posting on LinkedIn (as always, everything we do is to help increase our chances of getting our dream job).

What I Have Learned from Writing for Inc. Magazine, Wired and Other Publications Preview 09:18

How to write your LinkedIn or other online articles/columns so recruiters and others will notice you and think of you as a thought leader. 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #14: Create a LinkedIn Post on "Pulse" Preview 03:00

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Why Following Your Business Icons is Crucial on LinkedIn Preview 01:07

What does following mean versus connecting? How to be a thought leader through following and commenting. 

Who Should You Follow, Why and Who Should You Never Follow? Preview 01:27

Get inspired by deciding who to follow. Careful - following the wrong people with hurt you more than it will help. I will explain more in this lecture. 

Resume Success Journal Exercise #15: Following People on LinkedIn Preview 00:27

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Why Joining Many Groups Helps You a Lot Preview 01:31

More recruiters, potential employees and potential customers will find you if you are in the right "groups."

Resume Success Journal Exercise #16.1: Joining Many LinkedIn Groups Preview 00:33

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Get Recruiters to Find You Via Search Engine Optimization ("S.E.O.") Keywords Preview 09:38

We discuss "thinking like a search engine," which is an easy way for you to rank higher in search results from recruiters and others. 

Resume Journal Exercise #16.2: SEO and Keyword Hacking on Your LinkedIn Preview 00:53

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Resume Journal Exercise #16.3: Now Let's Add Many Contacts to Our Profile! Preview 01:05

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Why You Should Post Your Articles/Blogs to Google Plus Preview 01:41

Search Engine optimization (S.E.O.) tips to get even more recruiters, potential employers and potential customers to notice you....surprisingly it is using Google Plus!

Recruiters are Watching Be Careful & Remove Certain Social Media Items About You Preview 04:53

Recruiters will Google your name. Here is how to protect your digital identity and how to get negative things written about you online removed or deemphasized! 

Introduction & Why This Goal Setting Exercise Will Change Your Life. Preview 07:07

This goal setting exercise in this section will change your life. We won't just list our goals, we will list when we will accomplish them! Writing your simple 1- year perfect resume in this section will inspire you! 

Examples of Your Perfect Simple Resume in 10 Years Preview 06:17

Here are 2 examples of Simple Perfect 10 Year Resumes to use as a guide for the Simple Perfect 10 Year Resume that you will be creating soon. 

Side Note: Passionate Speech by Matthew McConaughey on Him in 10 Years Preview 01:47

Resume Success Journal Exercise #17.1: Part 1/4: Writing Down Your 10 Year Goals Preview 02:27

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Resume Success Journal Exercise #17.2: Part 2/4: Categorizing Your Goals Preview 00:49

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Resume Success Journal Exercise #17.3: Part 3/4: Filling the 'Gap' Preview 03:55

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Resume Success Journal Exercise #17.4: Part 4/4: Finishing the Simple Resume Preview 01:02

Please watch this video first before completing the exercise in your "Resume & LinkedIn Success Journal"  which is attached to lecture #1 in the first section of this course. Thanks

Congratulations & 10 Ways to Ensure/Guarantee That You Achieve Your Goals. Preview 04:42

How do we make sure we meet our 10 year goals? 

Conclusion, Next Steps and Thank You! Preview 01:48

Congratulations! You made it! In this video we discuss 7 takeaways/conclusions/next steps ...and a career path to the stars...which is not your limit  : ) 

Thanks a lot for your time, dedication and commitment. If you have any inspiring stories about your career progress and/or your goals that you want to share with all of us, please post them in this course so we can all feel incredibly inspired as success leads to success which leads to more success which leads to even more never ends; we're all in this together.   : ) 

Thanks again,

2 Free Courses on How to Teach on Udemy Preview 03:02