The Art Of Storytelling In Communication And Presentation

Must learn communication skills to become inspiring leaders and for influencing communication in business and life

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- You will learn leadership storytelling concepts taught for politician
- Harvard leaders
- and motivational speakers in the practical & concise concepts
- Learn “Must learn” skills to become inspiring and influencing leaders
- Understand science of human process of making decisions and taking actions

What you'll learn

You will learn leadership storytelling concepts taught for politician
Harvard leaders
and motivational speakers in the practical & concise concepts
Learn “Must learn” skills to become inspiring and influencing leaders
Understand science of human process of making decisions and taking actions
Know strategy to create a story to inspire actions based on science
You will learn how to structure a motivational story
What criteria to make your story more engaging to build the connections
How create your self-story
a story to move others’ hearts
How to get connections with your audiences through your story
How to use your strategy to call for action
How to start practicing storytelling with worksheet guides
Learn how to get improvement from other students’ stories who taking this class
Be confident to tell your story in your way of communication and presentation
Know when you can apply your storytelling skills in both personal and professional situations

* Requirements

* No prior knowledge required before taking the course
* You must have desire to take your communication and presentation to the next level
* You want to be influential
* inspiring and motivational to others


  • You will learn leadership storytelling concepts taught for politician, Harvard leaders, and motivational speakers in the practical & concise concepts
  • Learn “Must learn” skills to become inspiring and influencing leaders
  • Understand science of human process of making decisions and taking actions
  • Know strategy to create a story to inspire actions based on science
  • You will learn how to structure a motivational story
  • What criteria to make your story more engaging to build the connections
  • How create your self-story, a story to move others’ hearts
  • How to get connections with your audiences through your story
  • How to use your strategy to call for action
  • How to start practicing storytelling with worksheet guides
  • Learn how to get improvement from other students’ stories who taking this class
  • Be confident to tell your story in your way of communication and presentation
  • Know when you can apply your storytelling skills in both personal and professional situations

Course content

3 sections • 13 lectures

Introduction The Art of Storytelling in Communication and Presentation Preview 03:57

My story & why I teach this course Preview 07:16

Why we tell stories? Preview 03:37

How storytelling helps in our ways of communication Preview 05:10

Science of human taking decisions and actions Preview 09:08

Full structure of a motivational leadership story Preview 03:11

Story to the Heart (story of self) Preview 05:25

How to build a story of self Preview 07:56

Debrief story of self examples Preview 03:39

Story of us: how to connect with your audiences Preview 10:30

Story of now: Story to the Head Preview 08:41

Student Story example Preview 06:39

I don't have story to tell? How to start? Preview 08:24