Email Etiquette For Administrative Assistants

Learn to write clear and effective emails, gain more confidence, and be the best Admin you can be!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- Rrite better emails
- faster.
- Use email to increase productivity.
- Build your professional reputation through email communication.

What you'll learn

Rrite better emails
Use email to increase productivity.
Build your professional reputation through email communication.
Adapt your emails to accommodate different audiences and work situations.
Compose clear emails for maximum readability
and impact.
Respond to confusing or unclear emails.
Write great subject lines
sign-offs and signatures.
Use the 'To'
'Bcc' and 'Reply all' fields correctly.
Set boundaries and say "no" without burning bridges.
Write with an appropriate and upbeat "tone"
Use templates
undo send
and smart compose features to write flawless emails with confidence.

* Requirements

* None!


  • Rrite better emails, faster.
  • Use email to increase productivity.
  • Build your professional reputation through email communication.
  • Adapt your emails to accommodate different audiences and work situations.
  • Compose clear emails for maximum readability, comprehension, and impact.
  • Respond to confusing or unclear emails.
  • Write great subject lines, greetings, sign-offs and signatures.
  • Use the 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc' and 'Reply all' fields correctly.
  • Set boundaries and say "no" without burning bridges.
  • Write with an appropriate and upbeat "tone"
  • Use templates, undo send, and smart compose features to write flawless emails with confidence.

Course content

7 sections • 33 lectures

Is this course right for you? Preview 01:51

Hi, welcome to this course email etiquette for Administrative Assistants, I am so thrilled that you’re here. You might be wondering “is this course for me?”

I designed this course for all types of admin in mind: in-office assistants, virtual assistants, personal assistants and everyone in between! Still, let's who you are and how this course will help you.

What You'll Learn In This Section + Downloadable PDF Preview 00:22

Take a look at what we'll be discussing in this section. Don't forget to download your PDF that accompanies this section.

Subject Line Hero Preview 02:45

Check out this 5-step process to help ensure that your emails get opened, and get the responses you need!

Subject Line Quiz

Which subject lines are the best option? You decide!

How to Change an Email Subject Line Preview 01:29

Sometimes you need to reply to an existing email but want to change the Subject Line - but changing it in Gmail and Outlook is not a well-known feature. Let's learn how!

When/How to Make Emails URGENT Preview 02:48

Some emails are urgent. Some aren’t. Some need a response right away. Some don’t need a response until next week. But there’s no way for your recipient to know that when an email comes in - unless it’s right there in the subject line.

Greetings and Polite Starters Preview 02:18

"I hope this email finds you well." Polite starter or unnecessary filler? Let's find out!

Paragraph Size + Assignment Preview 01:36

Take 2 minutes to re-work this (real) email using paragraphs.

Information Order (SCRAP) + Assignment Preview 01:39

People are busy - no one has time to reread your emails and try to deduce your point. Fortunately, there’s an easy acronym to help us present information in a clear way. We’re going to SCRAP it!

Bullet Points + Assignment Preview 01:14

We’ve established that most people don't read emails the same way they read books - they're going to skim. So including things like headings, bullet points or numbers are a great way to make your email easier to read.

Bold, Italics, and Color Coding + Assignment Preview 01:37

Using flair like bold, italics, and color, are useful ways to add emphasis to emails. Let learn about how each one plays a unique role in email communication.

Edit for Clarity + Assignment Preview 01:10

As writers, we tend to include a lot of extra information for our readers. That’s a mistake. Shorter sentences are easier to comprehend!

Email Basics Recap

What You'll Learn In This Section + Downloadable Preview 00:21

Now that we’ve covered basics, from email subject lines to formatting, we’re going to talk about etiquette. Download the accompanying PDF. Feel free to print it out and keep it by your desk, or follow along as you progress through the content.

Things to Avoid in Email Preview 03:41

Knowing what not to include in an email is just as important as knowing what to include.

How to use Cc, Bcc, and Reply All Correctly Preview 03:29

Learn the difference between "to," "cc," "bcc," and "reply all."

Time Zones Preview 00:26

A quick note about the importance of including details in emails, like time zones.

Attachments Preview 00:55

Forgotten attachments? Files that are too large for inboxes? Here are a few tools to help ensure you're attaching documents correctly.

Tone of Voice and Conflicts Via Email Preview 01:51

As the saying goes "10% of conflict is due to a difference of opinion and 90% to tone of voice.” Learn how to turn a negative tone into a positive one, every email.

Sign-offs and Email Signatures Preview 02:05

When you’re struggling with how to end an email, it’s best to consider the context. Let's learn about some of the more popular sign-offs, and some to avoid.

Email Etiquette Recap

What You'll Learn In This Section + Downloadable Preview 00:15

Email is effective, but it’s not without its own shortcomings! Download your PDF to follow along over the next several lectures.

Boundary Setting + Secret Formula Preview 03:15

Setting boundaries is a must. Let's learn about a simple formula to help you set clear boundaries every email.

How to Say No via Email Preview 00:26

Too many emails erode our ability to do high-quality work. Prioritizing can help us reduce the digital clutter. With that, your email inbox might get a bit simpler. Here are a handful of scripts to help you learn to say "no" and prioritize yourself and your work a little more.

How to Respond to Confusing Emails Preview 01:38

Confusing emails leave you in a lurch. You're not quite sure what the recipient needs or how to even correctly respond. Instead, we'll learn how to properly push back.

Spelling and Grammar Check + Tools Preview 02:40

Let's look at a few tricks for double-checking speller (especially handy if you don't have software that checks spelling and grammar). We'll also take an in-depth look at Grammarly, a free tool that can check grammar, spelling, tone, and even suggest synonyms - right from your inbox.

Effective Out of Office Messages Preview 03:00

An effective OOO message can do so much more than let people know you're on holiday. It can help you build long-lasting work relationships, too.

Hidden Pitfalls Recap

Templates for Repetitive Emails Preview 01:09

Learn how to create and manage email templates. Say goodbye to repetitive emails!

Undo Send Preview 00:47

Undo Send is, frankly, the best email tool out there today. Catch mistakes and recall your email with this quick trick.

Predictive Text + How to Edit Smart Compose Preview 00:41

Learn how predictive text can help you maintain your tone in an email, and how you can make this feature even more accurate.

Wrapping Up Preview 00:41

Thank you for your time! Let's wrap up.

Find Any Email With These 4 Methods Preview 05:18

Now that you're an email etiquette pro, let's put your skills to good use. In this video, you'll learn 4 methods to track down virtually any email address.