Kotlin Programming

Tags: Kotlin

Grasp Kotlin Basics and Fundamentals and make yourself ready to develop premium Android apps from novice to pro.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.9

- Programming logic foundation
- read and write Kotlin with condition and control
- Concept of OOPS in Kotlin
- as other languages like Java
- C++
- C#
- Scala
- or Swift
- Use Intellij IDE
- the popular Kotlin (and Java)
- for application development purpose.

What you'll learn

Programming logic foundation
read and write Kotlin with condition and control
Concept of OOPS in Kotlin
as other languages like Java
or Swift
Use Intellij IDE
the popular Kotlin (and Java)
for application development purpose.
Create basic as well as professional Android apps using Kotlin
the new Java-based programming language developed by Jetbrains
Understand how Kotlin integrates neatly with Java.
How to use Kotlin for existing Android Apps and use it with Java.

* Requirements

* No previous knowledge on kotlin required. We will dive deep from very basics.
* Just a computer running Microsoft Windows/Linux/Mac running OS.We will install JDK + IntelliJ with every steps explained and shown.


>> Develop skills in Kotlin from scratch, the most beautiful modern programming language based on Java and now used for Android!

>> Expand your expertise as a Java/Android Developer and improve the quality of your code!

We begin with basics such that the beginners get a good grab over the language. There will be quizzes and coding challenges so that you test your learning.
Then we will get along with the intermediate level and create Android Apps and integrate Kotlin with Java.

The course goes on as:

  • Installation of the development environment 
  • Understanding how program flow works in Kotlin. 
  • Variables & Opertors. 
  • Logic and making decision.
  • Binary and hexadecimal numbers.
  • Loops. 
  • Working with files.
  • Functions.
  • OOPs in Kotlin.
  • Data Classes.
  • Collections and types of collections: List, Arrays, Map and Set
  • Lambdas and High Level Function
  • Predicates
  • Multi Processing.Information hiding principles and generics.

At last, get started with your first Kotlin Android App.

Give us the review and feedback to improve the course.

Once you understand the concept of OOPs explained here for Kotlin, this basic paradigm being same for all other languages, you can master others too!
    (Java, PHP, C#, C++)

This course will be shaped as you want it to be. There will be more contents based on your reviews and feedback. Help this start reach heights with your valuable opinions.

Get in now and be the part!

Who this course is for:

  • You should be eager to learn this awesome programming language!
  • You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch, heading towards intermediate and then to advanced topics.
  • Anyone who wants to use kotlin for existing and new Android Apps, get this for yourself.

Course content

17 sections • 60 lectures

Kotlin Overview. Is Java Dead? Preview 05:55

Welcome to the Kotlin Tutorials for Beginners for Android. Kotlin has been announced as Official Android Language at Google I/O 2017. Does it means Java will die? No, Java wont die but Kotlin is more powerful than Java for making Android Apps. So lets begin the series of Kotlin Programming right from the next video. And install Java JDK for windows and Macosx and also install Intellij idea created by JetBrains.

Kotlin Setup for Windows: Installing Java JDK Preview 05:19

Kotlin Programming requires Java virtual machine to execute its code. So we need to install Java JDK to provide runtime environment for Kotlin Coding. So lets first setup Java jdk on windows. Kotlin is officially now language for Android app development.

Kotlin Setup for Windows: Install INTELLIJ IDEA Preview 02:50

Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners android: We will do kotlin programming in INTELLIJ IDEA. So lets first install it in case of Windows.

Kotlin Setup for Mac OSX: Installing Java JDK Preview 03:47

Kotlin Tutorial for beginners Android: Kotlin Programming requires Java virtual machine to execute its code. So we need to install Java JDK to provide runtime environment for Kotlin Coding. So lets first setup Java jdk on MacOSX. Kotlin is officially now language for Android app development.

Kotlin Setup for MacOSX: Install INTELLIJ IDEA Preview 02:38

Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners android: We will do kotlin programming in INTELLIJ IDEA. So lets first install it in case of MacOSX. Kotlin is officially now language for Android app development.

Writing your first Kotlin Code: Hello World Preview 10:02

Hello World: How it internally works? Preview 09:00

Kotlin Android Tutorial. In this video we will explore how the code execution takes place in case of Kotlin? Such as in Java we have .java file converted into .Class file after compilation similarly we will checkout if the same things happens in case of kotlin file or not?

Comments in Kotlin Preview 01:57

Kotlin Android Beginner Tutorial. Let's explore how to write COMMENT in kotlin. Kotlin is the official Android language as per Google IO 2017.

Variable and Data Types Overview Preview 03:19

Overview of Functions, Classes and String Interpolation Preview 07:53

More on Functions, Classes and String Interpolation Preview 04:16

Using REPL for Kotlin Programming Preview 06:07

Kotlin Android tutorial. Lets learn how to create a new kotlin project and start coding inside the REPL. REPL allows developers to execute their code as quickly as possible. Kotlin has been declared as official android language at Google IO 2017.

Overview of Data Types: Variables and Constants Preview 06:15

Kotlin Android Tutorial. Lets learn about Variables and Constants and various data types defined in Kotlin. In kotlin we have everything as objects. String, Integer, Float etc all are objects. There is no primitive data types in Kotlin.

Let's Explore Data Types in Intellij IDEA Preview 04:39

Kotlin Android Tutorial. Lets learn about Variables and Constants and various data types defined in Kotlin. In kotlin we have everything as objects. String, Integer, Float etc all are objects. There is no primitive data types in Kotlin.

String Templates: Concept of Interpolation Preview 07:01

Kotlin Android Tutorials for Beginners. Learn about String Templates and how to apply interpolation on various data types such as Integer, Float, Double and even Class Objects.

Ranges Preview 05:32

Kotlin Android Tutorial. Lets explore how to define Range of values for number integers and also characters in Kotlin

IF as Expression Preview 03:41

Kotlin tutorial for beginners. We can use IF statements as EXPRESSION that returns a value. Lets explore it

WHEN as Expression Preview 08:16

We can use WHEN statements as EXPRESSION that returns a value. WHEN is similiar to SWITCH CASE in Java and C++.

Overview Preview 03:14

Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners. Lets explore FOR, WHILE and DO WHILE loop in Kotlin. Also checkout various Loop control statements such as BREAK, CONTINUE and RETURN statements.

FOR Loop Preview 04:40

Kotlin for Beginners. lets explore FOR Loop Iterator in detail.

WHILE Loop Preview 04:17

Kotlin for Beginners. lets explore FOR Loop Iterator in detail

DO WHILE Loop Preview 04:17

Lets explore Kotlin DO WHILE loop in demo and also understand how it works

BREAK Statements with Labeled FOR Loop Preview 04:29

Lets explore BREAK STATEMENTS with Labeled for loop in Kotlin. The Break statements are LOOP CONTROL STATEMENTS

CONTINUE Statements with Labeled FOR Loop Preview 04:47

Lets explore CONTINUE STATEMENTS with Labeled for loop in Kotlin. The Continue statements are LOOP CONTROL STATEMENTS

Functions Basics and Syntax Preview 06:33

Lets checkout Functions in Kotlin. Functions with parameters, without parameters, functions with return type and functions with unit ( void ) return type.

Functions as Expressions Preview 05:39

Interoperability: How Kotlin Code is Compiled? Preview 05:11

During compilation the Kotlin file is converted to Class file containing Byte Code which in runtime executed by Java Virtual Machine JVM. Lets explore concepts in detail

Interoperability: How to call Kotlin functions from Java File and vice-versa Preview 09:54

Default Functions: Using @JvmOverloads for Interoperability Preview 06:35

Named Parameters Preview 03:43

Extension Functions Preview 11:36

Learn about Extension functions which allows us to add new functions to the existing classes such as Student, String and so on

Infix Function Preview 04:12

Lets explore INFIX function that are also Extension functions in Kotlin which we explored in the previous video

Tailrec Function: Use Recursion in Optimised way Preview 06:48

Unlike Java, C++ or C, in Kotlin there exists TAILREC functions that implements recursion without affecting the Stack Memory of your application. So the exception such as STACKOVERFLOW exception is avoided

Class Definition, init Block, Properties and Primary Constructor Preview 10:25

Learn about Object oriented concepts in Kotlin such as Class, Objects, init block, properties, and Primary Constructors

Secondary Constructor Preview 07:01

Learn about Class, Secondary and Primary Constructors, init block and also how to trigger constructors while creating class objects

Inheritance Explained Preview 07:34

Complete explanation of Inheritance in Kotlin. It is comparable to that of Java. So lets see what it is and also checkout the advantages of using Inheritance in Kotlin

Demo: Inheritance with Example Preview 06:17

Lets explore Inheritance inside the Intellij IDEA. In Inheritance we need to use "open" keyword to inherit properties from a super class

Overriding Properties and Methods Preview 09:29

Role of Primary and Secondary Constructors in Inheritance Preview 10:17

 Lets explore the role of primary and secondary constructors in case of Kotlin while performing Inheritance in object oriented kotlin programming

Visibility Modifiers: Public, Protected, Internal and Private Preview 08:41

Learn about visibility or access modifiers such as public, private, internal and private. How they are used during Inheritance in classes and their scope.

Abstract Classes, Methods and Properties Preview 11:39

 Learn about how to use abstract classes, abstract methods and abstract properties in kotlin Classes. Also what are overriding rules in Kotlin Class

Interface Preview 15:49

Data Class Preview 07:06

Lets explore DATA CLASS in Kotlin. Data class has default implementation of Super class ANY that contains method of toString(), hashCode(), equals() and also kotlin provides copy().

'object' declaration: Alternative to Static in Java Preview 10:28

Lets explore 'object' declaration in Java which actually alternative to STATIC declaration in java. We can have methods and variables that behaves statically in Kotlin. In the next video we will learn Companion Object

Companion Object Preview 03:17

Lets checkout how to use companion object in kotlin.

Lambdas and High Level Functions Preview 16:46

More on Lambdas and High Level Functions Preview 11:53

Closures Preview 04:00

"it" The Implicit Name for Single Parameter in Lambda Preview 04:38

"with" and "apply" Preview 03:52

Arrays In Kotlin and Introduction to Collections Preview 10:10

List and ArrayList: Mutable and Immutable Preview 10:07

Map and HashMap Preview 08:56

Set and HashSet Preview 06:44

Using Lambdas with Collections: Filtering and Sorting Preview 12:52

Predicates: all, any, count and find methods Preview 08:51

Android Studio Setup for Kotlin Preview 03:28

Create and Run Your First Android App using Kotlin Preview 05:24

What Next? Preview 00:40

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