Module 2 Chapter 2 Fulfilling Relationships Great Teams

Create a culture of engagement & accountability, build collaborative teams, get 4 steps to make every relationship work.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Learn how to create a culture of accountability & responsibility in your team
- Learn the 5 steps to create collaboration & engagement in your team
- Understand the fundamental principles for building empowered & respectful relationships at work & at home

What you'll learn

Learn how to create a culture of accountability & responsibility in your team
Learn the 5 steps to create collaboration & engagement in your team
Understand the fundamental principles for building empowered & respectful relationships at work & at home
Learn the 4 steps that will make any relationship work

* Requirements

* Bring a curiosity and willingness to make a difference.


Learn how the most successful people are creating highly engaged and collaborative business teams.

Take this Conscious Business Institute Program and learn how you can create engaged and aligned teams.

About this course:

  • Create a culture of accountability & responsibility in any team
  • Learn 5 steps for moving teams from competition to collaboration
  • Get a proven methodology for creating engagement in any team
  • Learn about the 4 fundamental steps that will make every relationship work
  • Proven by high-potential executives at Intel, BMW and other top corporations

“The Success of your life is all about the quality of your relationships. You can’t be successful if your relationships don’t work.” -- Peter Matthies

In this course you'll get the necessary approaches & insights to move from competition to collaboration, so that you can create teams that are fully engaged, ready to go the extra mile.

You'll get a step-by-step approach for building a culture of responsibility & accountability in your team.

You will obtain a Conscious Business approach for team engagement.

You will learn about the 4 steps that will make every relationship work.

And you will understand what you need to do to make diversity & inclusion work in your organization.

Contents and Overview

Conscious Business: “Building Collaborative & Engaged Teams” – provides you with further building blocks for well-functioning relationships and teams. In a structured way, you will:

  • Learn how to build a culture of accountability & responsibility
  • Get 5 steps to move teams from Competition to Collaboration
  • Learn how to improve engagement in any team
  • Understand what's necessary to make Diversity & Inclusion work
  • Learn the 4 steps that will make every relationship work.

Developed by experts in human behavior and consciousness, executives and advisors to top business leaders and politicians, this Module uses the experiences from most successful people and companies to help you improve the way you work and live.

This course contains 14 videos and 6 exercises.

We have taught these principles to hundreds of top corporate leaders in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, and Africa. These approaches have changed the way they lead their teams and organizations.

“I've been applying all the wonderful approaches you've given me, and I'm happy to say it has been going really well. It is so heartening to get e-mails from my people saying they appreciate my leadership and that is all thanks to you.”

H.M. -- VP, Intel

We developed this program because most of us have never learned how to create fully engaged and aligned teams. Look at the problems in your company – most of them go back to people issues – and we still haven’t figured out how to change this. This course will teach you how you can build effective teams: where people collaborate with each other, take responsibility, and treat each other with respect.

This program will give you a leg-up in your career as you build more energized and aligned teams.

Join a movement of thousands of professionals and executives around the world. Create engaged teams that want to make a difference, and help change the way we conduct business in the world.

Peter Matthies

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals who want to create more engagement & collaboration in their team
  • Entrepreneurs who want to create more inspiring & engaging businesses
  • Individuals who want to strengthen their most important asset for success: their relationship with others
  • Individuals who want fresh approaches for dealing with conflicts and challenging people situations
  • Individuals who want to improve their relationships at home and at work

Course content

2 sections • 18 lectures

Building Great Teams: Introduction Preview 01:27

This video outlines what you will learn in Chapter 2: "Building Great Teams", and how you can apply the material to improve your career, your own performance as a leader, and the performance of your team.

Creating a culture of Accountability & Responsibility in any team Preview 11:32

Start this chapter by learning about a step-by-step approach to establish a culture of Accountability & Responsibility (A&R) in teams. A&R is a must-have if you want to increase effectiveness, collaboration & trust in any team - and yet, many of our clients find it hard to establish. This section tells you how.

Reflection: Improving Accountability & Responsibility in your life Preview 02:28

Apply the Accountability & Responsibility process to our work & life. Improve the effectiveness & satisfaction with the people around you.

From Competition to Collaboration: 5 Steps to transform any team Preview 08:37

"We have spent years trying to make our teams collaborate with each other," says the head of exec development at a global IT company. "We have let people go, spent millions for big consulting firms, but - in the end - collaboration requires a change in mindset!"

In this section, learn about how to shift people's mindset so that they want to collaborate with each other. Learn about the 5 necessary steps to make collaboration work.

From Competition to Collaboration Step 1: Creating a safe environment Preview 02:52

Learn about the 1st step to make collaboration work: how to shift peoples mindsets & behaviors.

From Competition to Collaboration Step 2: Stop managing people Preview 08:02

Learn about the 2nd step for collaborative teams: the mindset you need to change in order to make your team work well together.

From Competition to Collaboration Step 3: Establish the rules of the game Preview 04:19

Learn about the 3rd step for collaborative teams: making sure your team plays by the same rules of the game.

From Competition to Collaboration Step 4: Unleash the power in your people Preview 03:42

Learn about the 4th step for collaborative teams: how to make your team go the extra mile.

Reflection: Purpose in your life and your team Preview 2 pages

Assess for yourself where you and your team currently stands with step 4: the readiness to go the extra mile.

From Competition to Collaboration Step 5: Implement processes Preview 03:07

Learn about 2 processes that are necessary to make collaboration work in your team - and to ensure your people don't fall back into competition-mode.

Summary: The 5 steps for creating collaboration in any team Preview 7 pages

Obtain a summary & presentation of the 5 steps for creating collaborative teams. Use it as a template to share with your colleagues and team.

The 4 steps to make any relationship work Preview 04:27

Learn about the 4 steps which will make every relationship work. These steps have the power to increase the trust, connection, and richness in any relationship.

These steps have created an incredible richness and fulfillment in the relationships of many of our clients. If you apply them, they will enrich in your relationships.

Exercise: Applying the 4 steps to improve your relationships Preview 1 page

Get a step-by-step exercise to apply the 4 steps to your relationships.

The Key To Employee Engagement Preview 04:46

Learn in this video the key to engaging people on a deep emotional level, so that they are willing to walk the extra mile. Employee engagement is high on the agenda of many companies. Most approaches don't make much of a difference. This video outlines the root of what drives people - and how you can use it in your team. 

Apply The Engagement Model In Your Team Preview 04:37

Learn how to use the Engagement Model to increase energy and engagement in your team. 

Making Diversity & Inclusion work Preview 06:24

Many of our clients want to make diversity & inclusion work in their organization. For some reason, we don't see it working quite so well, so we developed this segment: Understand what's necessary to make diversity & inclusion work in your organization.

Conclusion Module 2: Relationships. Foundation for your happiness and well-being Preview 02:34

Obtain a conclusion and a summary of the most important take-away's from Module 2. Remember these and you are half-way there.

Download Exercise Booklet for Module 2 Chapter 2 Preview 13 pages

Combined exercise booklet for Module 2 Chapter 2 - so it's easier for you go through the exercises.