Work Life Balance For The Self Employed

Setting Boundaries, Time Management, Productivity, Stress Management, Avoiding Burnout & Avoid Wasting Time

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- Use proven tools for time management
- productivity and efficiency
- Prevent and recover from burnout and overwhelm
- Establish empowering boundaries for yourself and others

What you'll learn

Use proven tools for time management
productivity and efficiency
Prevent and recover from burnout and overwhelm
Establish empowering boundaries for yourself and others
Create a work schedule that works for your unique personality
needs and life circumstances
Utilize time-saving tools for planning your goals and tasks
Ensure you have time dedicated for friends
family and yourself
Avoid common personal and business time wasters
Master your email
Delegate your personal and work life to free your time to focus on income producing results and doing what you love most
Prevent stress and anxiety by using powerful tools like writing
mindfulness and brain breaks
Learn powerful tools for getting happy
boosting productivity and having more fun
Feel empowered that you can create the work and personal life you truly desire
Experience the true freedom of choice and time that inspired you to work for yourself in the first place

* Requirements

* Be willing to make changes to improve your life and business


  • Use proven tools for time management, productivity and efficiency
  • Prevent and recover from burnout and overwhelm
  • Establish empowering boundaries for yourself and others
  • Create a work schedule that works for your unique personality, needs and life circumstances
  • Utilize time-saving tools for planning your goals and tasks
  • Ensure you have time dedicated for friends, family and yourself
  • Avoid common personal and business time wasters
  • Master your email
  • Delegate your personal and work life to free your time to focus on income producing results and doing what you love most
  • Prevent stress and anxiety by using powerful tools like writing, mindfulness and brain breaks
  • Learn powerful tools for getting happy, boosting productivity and having more fun
  • Feel empowered that you can create the work and personal life you truly desire
  • Experience the true freedom of choice and time that inspired you to work for yourself in the first place

Course content

7 sections • 50 lectures

Introduction to Work from Home - Work Life Balance and Time Management Preview 05:43

Are you ready to regain the freedom that drew you to working for yourself? Are you ready to feel in control of your time and schedule? Take your power back from time wasters and create a life of balance and fulfillment.

Questions, Resources and Meet the Instructors Preview 00:41

Defining Balance: Banishing Limiting Beliefs Preview 09:50

Overcome the common limiting beliefs that hold you back from feeling free and balanced, including that nagging feeling that if you take time off work you'll lose money.

Defining Balance: What Balance Is and Is Not Preview 05:36

Balance is a push and pull. Does it mean making all aspects of your life equal, or is there more unique criteria that make balance unique to you?

Defining Balance: Know Thyself Preview 08:02

If you understand your own biorhythms and values you'll be better able to determine what you truly need to be both happy and successful.

Defining Balance: Identifying Imbalance Preview 05:42

Identify what areas of your life are causing the most imbalance by utilizing the Wheel of Life tool.

Avoiding Burnout: Identity~You Are Not Your Business Preview 06:36

Identifying your business with yourself can make it hard to let go at the end of the day. Find out how to change the way you think about your identity.

Avoiding Burnout: Recognizing The Symptoms Preview 06:25

Learn to recognize the symptoms of burnout before it happens. Take the burnout quiz!

Avoiding Burnout: Tools for Recovery and Prevention Preview 05:20

Check out these powerful tools for preventing burnout, as well as coping with it should you already be feeling fried.

Setting Boundaries: Physical Boundaries Preview 05:04

The physical environment in which you work may be a huge factor that's causing productivity blocks and keeping you unhappy. Find out how to remedy this!

Setting Boundaries: Self Boundaries Preview 04:21

Sometimes the boundaries that are the hardest to enforce are the ones we have with ourselves. Learn how to be your own best boss!

Setting Boundaries: Boundaries with Others Preview 08:51

Creating and keeping healthy boundaries with the people in our lives, including our family, children, partners, co-workers, and business contacts, is the only way to take back control of our lives. Learn how to say "no"!

Creating a Schedule: Have One Preview 04:47

This is the backbone of your work-life balance. Having a schedule that's carefully designed is the only way to make sure everything is accomplished and you have time allocated for the things that matter most.

Creating a Schedule: Flexibility Preview 03:07

It's important to have a concrete schedule, but it's also important not to be too rigid and to recognize that needs change. Find out how to balance sticking to your schedule while being flexible.

Creating a Schedule: Scheduling Non-Work Hours Preview 05:07

One of the most commonly overlooked keys to scheduling  is to plan your off time. Being that most self employed people tend to work by default, the only way you'll end up with time for leisure or family is to plan it in!

Creating a Schedule: Taking Breaks Preview 03:59

Working strait through doesn't provide your mind a chance to breath which makes you less creative and less productive. Find out tools for when and how to take breaks that will make work more enjoyable and productive.

Time Management: Avoiding Distractions Preview 09:13

These tips for staying focused and avoiding distractions are foundational for your ability to  make plans and keep them. 

Time Management: Focusing on Outcomes Preview 04:43

You can cross tasks off your list all day long, but if they weren't designed with a solid understanding of the outcomes you're going for, you may have just wasted your time.

Time Management: Creating a Ta-Da List Preview 07:37

Take your daily plan and your to-do list to the next level by learning the process for the super-effective "ta-da list"! 

Time Management: Prioritization Preview 07:30

Knowing what tasks are a priority is never easy when everything feels like it's demanding your attention NOW... find out effective tools for narrowing down your workload.

Family and Friends: Ensuring You Have Time Preview 06:17

If your friends and family are important to you, the best way to show it is to make them a priority. People make time for the things that are important to them. If you currently feel low on time for those you love, it can be humbling to realize you are not placing value on them by not creating time.

Family and Friends: Making it Meaningful Preview 05:51

Since time can be hard to come by, make the most of it by being fully present and making it meaningful.

Productivity: Personal Time Wasters Preview 06:53

There is a treasure of hidden time in your day which you can discover by digging out from under all the time you waste! Complete the daily time assessment and consider where you're wasting your time and how you can reallocate it toward what you value most.

Productivity: Business Time Wasters Preview 12:03

There are predictable time wasters that most entrepreneurs tend to do, so don't feel bad. Instead, stop doing them! They can save you time, money and stress! Plus, you'll be more productive and have more freedom.

Productivity: The 80/20 Rule Preview 06:03

The 80/20 principle applies to everything in life. Find out how to determine what 20% of your customers cause you 80% of your problems and other life-changing questions!

Productivity: Playing Your Way to Productivity Preview 04:49

Sometimes the best way to bring some magic to the mundane is to play a game... with yourself!

Technology: Mastering Email Preview 12:07

We all do it. And it's very naughty. Learn how to stop checking your email obsessively. Email is the BIGGEST TIME WASTER of all time!

Technology: Productivity Tools Preview 10:16

Learn tools for using technology for productivity, instead of distraction. Includes recommendations for apps and programs.

Technology: The Importance of Unplugging Preview 09:27

Unplug. There, we said it. It's a proven fact that you'll be more productive and happier if you limit your screen time. Here are some important strategies!

Delegating: Personal Life Preview 05:38

There are probably a number of things in your personal life that you can outsource that you haven't even thought of! 

Delegating: Work Life Preview 11:32

Delegating can be hard for entrepreneurs who are used to doing everything themselves, but it is absolutely the best thing you can do to both free your time and make the best use of it!

Making Yourself Replaceable with Systems Preview 05:04

Having systems ensure that if something should happen to you, your business can continue. It also gives you a way of working yourself out of your business!

Stress Management: The Power of Writing Preview 03:45

Write it down and let it go! Find out how.

Stress Management: Choose Your Focus Preview 08:19

Does your perspective of your control over your life empower you or zap your motivation? Are the questions you asking yourself inspiring you or holding you down? Find out.

Stress Management: Mindfulness and Meditation Tools Preview 12:11

Mindfulness and meditation are proven to be the best tools for reducing stress and training the brain to focus! Learn the common misconceptions about meditation and how companies and business leaders use it! Can you focus on breathing for 2 minutes? Then you can meditate. Can you pay close attention to what's going on around you? Then you can be mindful. Try it!

Stress Management: Taking Brain Breaks Preview 03:14

Give your mind a break from constant work mode! Learn how to turn it of and reboot through the hobbies and interests you already love as well as some powerful new techniques!

Stress Management: The Power of Movement Preview 06:03

The health benefits to moving your body are more obvious, while the benefits to your mental clarity, focus and productivity may surprise you.

Stress Management: Learning Something New Preview 03:19

A mind that is confused (by being exposed to new things) is open for growth. Plus, learning something new can be both fun and help you gain new skills.

Stress Management: Creating Your Own “Water Cooler” Preview 05:40

Life for the self employed can be lonely. Discover great ways to add collaboration and social interaction back into your life.

Happiness: How Happiness Boosts Productivity Preview 07:00

Happiness is proven to be the greatest boost to your productivity. Learn proven secrets and tools!

Happiness: Getting in the Flow Preview 06:45

We all have experienced that magical experience of being in the flow, when everything feels effortless and time doesn't even seem to exist. Find out how to spend more time in this peak state.

Happiness: NLP Anchoring Preview 08:07

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful process that gives you control over your own mind and emotional state. Learn a core process from NLP that will show you how to anchor a trigger to a desired emotional state, allowing you to "turn on" that state any time you want.

Happiness: Having Fun Preview 04:55

Discover tips for finding the fun in your work environment, as well as enjoying your clients more.

The Power Hour Preview 06:11

Taking time for yourself is vital to your overall wellbeing and your ability to create your life deliberately, rather than operating on autopilot. Ideally, its for an hour and in the morning. Discover what works for you!

Bringing Your Best Self Preview 07:01

Being at your best puts you in the best possible position to give whatever you are focusing on your ALL.

Setting Daily Goals Preview 02:59

You've gotten this far (hopefully!).. you have goals, you've written them on a ta-da list. Now you actually have to LOOK at them daily! Find out tips for staying on track.

The Power of Visualization Preview 04:54

If you can see it you can be it.

Being Selfish and Filling Your Tank Preview 12:18

You have to give yourself permission to be #1 if you want to empower yourself to create balance in your life. It starts with you!

Conclusion and Next Steps Preview 02:15

Congratulations! What are you committing to yourself? How are you going to implement what you've learned?

Bonus: Additional Resources You Don't want to Miss Preview 03:22