Hoist Training for Carers | Manual Handling Training

July 08, 2022 | Admin |

Hoist training for carers is one of the most important, yet one of the most overlooked, aspects of training in the caring sector today. Poor manual handling practice can lead to a range of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) including upper limb disorders, lower limb disorders and back pain. These can result in long term injury, maybe forcing carers off work on long time sick, and could potentially lead to legal action. According to the HSE there were 469,000 workers suffering from a work related MSD in 2017/18, with over 6.6 million working days lost due to MDS!. So what can you do as a responsible employer to prevent the cost, disruption and emotional toll from these injuries?

It is an old saying, but in this case it is true. These types of MDS are not one of ‘freak’ injuries (although that could happen) Generally they are a build up from months or years of incorrect posture, over extension of muscles and limbs, and the result of poor practice. By instituting a programme of hoist training for carers, you have a golden opportunity to prevent these injuries , although this may cost more initially, in the long term it will save you time, money and aggravation.

Any good hoist training programme should include as a minimum the following


Bathing & Hygiene

Beds & Pressure Care

Disposables & Nursing


Sanitiser & Cleaning Products

Seating & Mobility

Slings & Transfer Aids



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Thank you.

I guess you mean something like this  Code Snippet public abstract classmyBase { public myBase() { }   public abstract void myMethod(string val); }   public classmyDerived : myBase { public myDerived() :base() { }   // Implementation of method 'myMethod' defined in the base class public...