Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan Template: Beginners Guide

July 07, 2022 | Admin |

Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan Template: Beginners Guide

The flipped classroom is a learning model that got popularized in 2007. Many people since then regard it as a very effective learning model. However, its effectiveness lies mainly in the hands of the teacher applying it. If you want your flipped classroom teaching to lead to an effective learning experience for your students, then you want to do it right. This article will help give you a step-by-step guide to help you come with a functioning flipped classroom lesson plan template.

Generally, proper planning makes anything work well. As the saying goes, “Proper planning prevents poor performance.” Specific guides and structured arrangements can help you be very effective at teaching, depending on the model you employ. Like in the traditional classroom method, flipped classroom lessons also require a lesson plan. 

To ensure ease and speed, you need a lesson plan template to create a good lesson plan. It guides you through the process of creating your lesson plan. This article provides all the information you need on how to create a flipped classroom lesson template. To better comprehend the subject, let’s clarify what a Flipped classroom is and what a flipped classroom lesson plan template is.

In this article, we would explore:

In simple terms, the flipped classroom is a form of blended learning where students are given instructional materials to read at their home, after which active learning (group discussion, workshop, etc.) is engaged in the classroom. Here the attention shifts from group learning to individual learning.

Rather than teach and then give assignments and materials for further study to students; In applying the flipped classroom approach, you give out the materials through pre-recorded lectures, emails, etc., before physical class is held. You then monitor the student’s understanding of the lesson and engage them in activities that will help them understand the lesson better during class. 

One of the merits of the flipped classroom is that it gives teachers more free time. This means that you can spend your time on other things as your students take your pre-recorded lessons. This free time, however, is mainly used to prepare classroom time or record other lessons. So, in essence, this is the time when you need your lesson plan template the most. Now, let’s shed some light on what a flipped classroom lesson plan template implies.

A Lesson Plan is an essential tool as far as teaching is concerned. A flipped classroom lesson plan is a detailed description of the path and direction of learning for a flipped classroom lesson. This direction or path is primarily determined by the school system’s requirements, the teacher’s preferences, and the lesson to be covered. 

Lesson plans are unique to lessons. Think of the lesson plan as your guide in teaching a particular lesson. A lesson plan contains; the lesson goal(s), The strategy to achieve the set goal(s), and a means to check if the goal was achieved or not. As a teacher or an instructor, you have to create a solid and well-structured lesson plan for your flipped classroom lessons. 

A flipped classroom lesson plan template is a pattern or model on which your lesson plan is based. It is a skeletal structure upon which the lesson plan hangs. To this extent, if you will be employing the flipped classroom learning approach, you must learn how to create a flipped classroom lesson plan template.

In the flipped classroom, like other approaches to learning, every lesson follows a specific order. You first create a pre-recorded lesson, and then you hold a class. Your lesson plan must cover what is to be taught before the class is held and during the class. You should also consider that in the flipped classroom, learning is more of an individualized experience.

Your lesson plan does not have to be lengthy. Nevertheless, following the curriculum, it must include all aspects of each lesson. To create effective lesson plans for your different classes, you should start with each lesson built on the previous lesson to have a flow-through in all your classes. You can use your lesson plan template as a guide in creating other lesson plans, thereby making lesson plan writing more manageable.

In creating your flipped classroom lesson plan, you should keep the following factors in mind;

The flipped classroom is student-centric. This implies that you should write your lesson plan such that your lesson engages the students. You should also make room to ask the students questions and give them problems to solve.

The content of each lesson must agree with the method of flipped classroom learning. For instance, lessons or topics that encourage students to work independently, discuss and engage in practical activities should have higher priority while preparing your lesson plan.

The time spent on the lesson video is usually shorter than class time. Usually, 10 minutes is enough for an instructional video. As a result, your lesson plan should appropriate time to each part of the lesson as necessary.

There are different technological means by which you can give the instructional video or material to students before classroom activities. Your choice here will affect your lesson plan to a great extent. To know more about the different technological tools you can choose from, click here.

Once you bear the above in mind, creating your lesson plan becomes easy and effective. However, your lesson plan template under flipped classroom should take a specific order. The content of your lesson plan template in chronological order should include;

Here, you simply state the title of the lesson. It is usually the first thing to make room for in your lesson plan template. You should not write more than a line here, depending on your lesson title. For instance, lesson title: Acid and Base.

It is also essential to state the course under which the lesson is to be taught. Therefore, In your lesson plan template, you should create a column for it. You may prefer to have this come first in your template; it is your choice. Nevertheless, it should come after the course title, as the course title is unique to the lesson you will be creating a plan for.

Your lesson plan template should also make room for the date the lesson would take place. Usually, under flipped classroom approach, having a specific date may not be necessary as the date for giving out the instructional material differs from the date the class would hold. However, while creating your lesson plan, you can simply state the week of the course. For instance; Date: Sixth week of course.

Your template must include the lesson objective(s). Here is where you write what you want to achieve with the students by the end of the lesson. This guides the other sections of the lesson plan; hence it is a crucial part. You should leave a wider space of about a paragraph here to accommodate the statement of the lesson objective(s). However, it should be a straightforward statement in a simple sentence or sentences.

Depending on the number of materials you will be giving out, there should be a vast space in your lesson plan template for the Home learning resources. Plan for 2 to 5 resources, including your recorded video or presentation and other materials that will supply the students with more information on the lesson. Usually, in your lesson plan, this part features the title of the resource material(s) and the download link(s).

Flipped classroom learning demands that you actively engage your students. To this extent, your lesson plan template should give room for a list of questions or assignments and how they can submit their answers. This is a way to ensure that the students go through the learning resources at home. Hence, this column or space is significant in your lesson plan template.

The flipped classroom is students-centric; therefore, you should spend the class time engaging students in the lesson by giving those activities that will foster active learning. To this effect, in your lesson plan template, you should create a space to list all the in-class activities and the time allocated to each, considering the duration of the class. 

This is the last section in your lesson plan template. This section in your lesson plan monitors the students’ engagement and their understanding of the lesson. In other words, this is where you test if your objective was achieved or not. It can also include the following sub-parts;

You should create your lesson plan template in a tabular form with rows and columns to have an organized lesson plan. As a result, you should mind the space allocated to each of the sections of the lesson plan template, you don’t want to squeeze in words, and you want to write your plan legibly. 

The best lesson plans are dependent on a solid lesson plan. The effectiveness of any lesson lies in the strength of the lesson plan. Hence, you should know how to create a flipped classroom lesson plan template to maximize your delivery and effectiveness as a teacher adopting the flipped classroom approach. Following the information provided in this article will make creating your lesson plan template easy.

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